The Valley of Heart's Delight

Kissel, Maxwell and Liberty Auto Dealer
Consolidated Garage, San Jose



In the path of an orderly progression, each step being made at the cost of earnest labor and close application, John R. Locurto has reached an enviable place in the business circles of San Jose, being now closely associated with its commercial interests as proprietor of the Consolidated Garage, one of the leading enterprises of this character in the city. He also has other business interests here and in the management of his affairs has displayed sound judgment, energy and enterprise. He was born in New York City, November 22, 1888, a son of G. B. and Lucille Locurto, the former a native of Palermo, Italy. When a young man the father emigrated to the United States, establishing his home in New York City, where he resided until 1901, when he responded to the call of the West and came with his family to California. He established his home in San Jose and soon afterward identified himself with its business interests, opening a grocery store on West San Carlos Avenue. He has now reached the age of seventy years but is still actively at work. Mr. and Mrs. Locurto became the parents of three sons and three daughters.

John R. Locurto acquired his education in the public schools of New York City, which he attended to the age of thirteen years, and a year later started out in life on his own account, going to San Francisco, where for two years she was employed in the Union Iron Works. He then returned to San Jose and for the next three years worked for the California Fruit Canners' Association, afterward opening a butcher shop on West San Carlos Street. This he continued to successfully conduct until the spring of 1920, when he withdrew from its active management, although he still retains the ownership of the shop. He then bought out the Consolidated garage and took over the Santa Clara County territory for the Kissel, Maxwell and Liberty cars. He carries at least one of each of these machines in stock all of the time and his aggressive business methods have resulted in a large volume of sales. He is now conducting his interests in a fine modern garage, 50x250 feet, at 355 South First Street, which was especially erected for this purpose. He carries a full line of automobile accessories and parts to the amount of $11,000 and also maintains a well-equipped repair shop capable of meeting all of the demands of the trade. Under his able management the business has enjoyed a remarkably rapid growth and he now gives constant employment to from eighteen to twenty men. He was formerly the owner of a twenty- acre ranch on the Fox-Worthy Road, but sold the property on May 22, 1920, and invested the proceeds in his automobile business.

In October, 1914, at San Jose, Mr. Locurto was united in marriage to Miss Lina Petrina Garnise, a native of Texas and a daughter of Antone and Margaret Garnise. Her parents removed to San Jose during her girlhood and her education was acquired in the schools of Texas and this locality. Three sons have been born of this union; John Jr., Antone and Joseph.

Mr. Locurto is a valued member of the Italian-American Club of San Jose, and his political allegiance is given to the Republican party. His career has been marked by steady advancement, due to his close application, industry and unquestioned reliability, and he deserves classification with the successful and public-spirited citizens of San Jose.

Transcribed by Marie Clayton, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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SANTA CLARA VALLEY -The Valley of Heart's Delight