Bio-Pen Pictures

John R. Hensley and his mother, Mrs. Rebecca G. Hensley, are the owners of one of the finest orchards in the Willow Glen District.  This orchard contains twenty-seven and three-fifths acres, planted with 3,000 trees, of which 1,700 are prunes, 400 peaches, 275 cherries, 325 egg-plums, and the balance apricots, apples, and pears.  It is situated on Malone Avenue, near the Almaden road.  It was bought by them in March, 1882, the price paid being $190 per acre.  No better land for horticultural purposes can be found in the neighborhood.  Only a few trees had been planted prior to their purchase.  Since that time the work of improvement has entirely occupied Mr. Hensley’s time.  He has the satisfaction of seeing the results of his labor, for few if any better-cared-for orchards are to be found.

His parents, James L. And Rebecca (Tiffee) Hensley, were born and reared in the State of Missouri.  In Boone County, that State, their son John R. was born, November 25, 1854.  In 1857, when less than three years of age, he came with his parents to this State, and was reared on a farm, in Colusa County, where his father died, in 1871.  Four years later his mother moved with her children to San Jose.  Buying a residence in that city, she has since made it her home.  With her live her three daughters: Orilla, Nancy, and Mary.  John W. Is the eldest child and the only son.  Being unmarried, he keeps “bachelor’s hall,” and can generally be found attending to the car of the ranch, in which he justly feels great pride.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote. - Chicago:

The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
p. 457
Transcribed by Debbie Combs


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight