Bio-Pen Pictures

            Among the beautiful and attractive vine and fruit ranches in the vicinity of Gilroy, may be named the Rose Marie farm, owned by Mrs. John P. McCurrie, comprising sixty and three-quarter acres.  This ranch contains 2,000 vines of assorted varieties, 1,000 planted in 1887, and 1,000 in 1888.  In selecting a variety of fruit-trees, 500 of which have been planted, the owner of this ranch has wisely chosen a large variety of the most desirable fruits, among which may be seen the orange, quince, apricot, pear, peach, Russian apricot, Japanese plum, olive, etc.  The efforts put forth by the owner have been rewarded by the most gratifying results, with every variety of fruit planted, and vegetables grown.  This goes to establish the fact that this climate and soil are capable of producing a very wide range of both citrus and deciduous fruits.  The McCurrie farm is abundantly watered by three creeks that flow into the Uvas.  These creeks contain springs that flow from the first rains in winter until July.  There is also on the land an artesian well ninety-six feet deep and seven inches in diameter, supplying a 6,000-gallon tank, and producing an inexhaustible supply of water.

            John P. McCurrie came of a good old English stock, having been born at Portsmouth, England, on the thirtieth day of December, 1821. Reared and educated at his native place, he later went to Manchester, where he had, for sixteen years, charge of a post-office department of that place. While thus employed, Mr. McCurrie was seized with a desire to visit the New World, and sailed for America; went to Detroit, Michigan, 1856, where his sister, eighty-four years old, is yet residing, and remained until 1860.  He came to California in 1861, and may therefore be classed among the early settlers of the Golden State.  Mr. McCurrie was Secretary of the British Benevolent Society, and had served in that capacity from June, 1867, until June 10, 1888, when he retired, after receiving a framed testimonial for long, faithful service, and at a farewell dinner a silver tankard from the society.

            Mrs. McCurrie, like her husband, is a native of Exeter, England.  She is a daughter of Matthew and Mary Delaney, and came with her parents, when a child, to San Francisco, where her father, who was a veterinary surgeon, died. Her mother is yet a resident of that city.  Though Mrs. McCurrie has resided at her present delightful home only since October, 1887, she has a large circle of friends, and her home is visited and her hospitality enjoyed by many.  Mr. and Mrs. McCurrie have been blessed with four children:  Matthew, Arthur, Edward, and Hugh Consterdine.  Their only daughter, Rose Marie, died in 1880, aged two years.  The eldest son, Matthew, attained his majority May 8, 1888.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 339-340

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler

Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight