
Industry and perseverance have been leading traits in the career of Ole Jordheim, junior member of the firm known as the Faultless Bakery, conducting a wholesale and retail baking business in San Jose. Mr. Jordheim was born in Jordheim, Gol Parish, Hallingdale, Norway, August 15, 1891, the son of Ole and Barbara (Grothe) Brandwold, both natives of Norway. The father had fine educational advantages in his native country, and in 1900 he removed with his family to Edinburg, N. D., where he owns a large general merchandise store. The mother passed away when Ole was a child of seven. She was the daughter of. Odd Grothe, better known as the "Larer og Kirkesanger," teacher and deacon in the parish of Hemsedal. Although eighty-eight years of age, he is still active and holds an important position, able to teach and lead the singing in the parish church. Mr. Brandwold was married a second time and lives in North Dakota.

After the death of his mother, Ole Jordheim went to live with his maternal grandfather. His education was obtained in the government schools of his native parish, later he took a course of two years in the Christiania high school, where he became well versed in the English and Norwegian languages. His first ambition after finishing school, was to become a teacher, but the glowing tales of opportunity and wealth to be gained in America proved too alluring, and he sailed from Christiania, arriving at Hull, England, thence by rail to Liverpool, where he again took passage, arriving at Ellis Island, New York in April, 1908. From New York he went to Edinburg, N. D. for a visit to his father. In the fall of 1908 he arrived in San Francisco, where his uncle, Knudt Grothe, was engaged in manufacturing ice-cream cones. Mr. Jordheim was employed in this business for eleven years. At the end of this time, he removed to San Jose where he opened an ice-cream cone factory, but was only engaged in this line for six months. On October 31, 1920, he acquired an interest in the Faultless Bakery, purchasing Mr. Gold's interest. Since that time, the bakery has been removed to more commodious quarters and remodeled. The firm does a wholesale and retail business with a capacity of 4000 loaves a day.

The marriage of Mr. Jordheim in San Francisco in 1915, united him with Miss Signe Woldhagen, a native of Trondjhem, Norway. She came from Norway to America when but seventeen years of age. Mr. Jordheim is a great lover of music and was for six consecutive years secretary of the Nordmandene's Sangforenig of San Francisco; he is also a member of the Sons of Norway. He gives unstintingly of his time and means to promote measures of advancement of his adopted city. That which has won Mr. Jordheim the esteem and popularity so universally accorded him is the character which is his both by inheritance and training, his many sterling qualities establishing him firmly in the business and social circles of the city.
Transcribed cferoben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1497