Bio-Pen Pictures

of the firm of Edwards & Pittman, searchers of records and conveyancers,  room 38 Knox Block, is a native of California, born near Marysville, Yuba County, in 1851. He is a good specimen of California growth. His parents were Andrew J. and Armenia A. (Lewis) Pittman, both natives of Missouri. His father was among the early pioneers who crossed the plains in 1849. After a short experience in the mines during that year, he decided that California was a good country for permanent occupation, and returned by way of the Isthmus and New York to his home in Missouri, and in the following year came to this State across the plains, with his wife. Again he went to mining on the Yuba River bars, with the historical "rocker," at which he continued until 1852. In that year he removed to the Santa Clara Valley, settling temporarily near what is now Mountain View, later purchasing a ranch, which he owned until 1861, and which later became part of the Palo Alto Ranch, now owned by Senator Leland Stanford. He there devoted himself to farming and dairying, which business he continued on the ranch he purchased in 1861, and which he still owns and conducts. For the last six years he has made his home in San Jose.

        There were born to Andrew J. and Armenia A. Pittman eight children, one of whom died in infancy. Those living are: James M., the subject of this sketch; Marion L., now in the picture-frame business in San Jose; Cornelius Y., employed in Edwards & Pittman's 0ffice; William A., now in the well-boring business; Belle M., a graduate of the San Jose High School; Ernest, now learning the painting business. Another son, Berry M., died in 1887.

        James M. passed through the various grammar school grades in San Jose, and then graduated at the Pacific Business College, of San Francisco. He engaged in farming near Mayfield, in 1869, continuing in this business up to 1874. Was elected Secretary of the State Grange, in 1874; resigned in January, 1875, went East, and remained in Quincy, Illinois, until April, 1876, doing business for an uncle then living at that place. Returning to California, he became Deputy County Recorder under W. B. Hardy, retaining that position for four and a half years. He was then elected County Recorder, and served in that position from January 1, 1883, to January 1, 1887, having been re-elected in 1885. On the termination of his official duties as Recorder, he became interested in his present business, for which his experience in the County Recorder's office had thoroughly trained him, and for the duties of which he possesses a peculiar natural adaptation.

        Mr. Pittman was married, in 1876, to Miss Carrie J. Fletcher, of Menlo Park she being a native of Massachusetts, who came to California with her parents at an early age. They have two children: Homer F., born in 1877, and Blanche B., born in 1880.

        Mr. Pittman is a member of Garden City Lodge, I. O. O. F., also of Mount Hamilton Lodge, A. O. U. W. He is also a Native Son of the Golden West, being a member of San Jose Parlor. He is a supporter of the Democratic party on national issues, and in favor of tariff reform.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 651



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight