Bio-Pen Pictures

of the Milliken District, resides on the San Francisco road, three miles west of Santa Clara, near the corner of the Saratoga and Alviso roads, where he has quite extensive carriage manufacturing and repairing and blacksmith shops. These works are centrally located in a fine farming and orchard section, and are well patronized by the community. Mr. Morgan is an intelligent mechanic, and is deserving of the patronage which he receives. His mechanical ability is well displayed in the "Morgan Cultivator," of which he is the inventor —a farm implement which his patrons fully appreciate, and which rapidly supersedes all competitors. Near his shops Mr. Morgan owns a comfortable home, which, with his family, he occupies.

        The subject of this sketch was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1845, and is the son of John and Elspit (Alexander) Morgan, residents and natives of that place. At an early age he became interested in mechanical work, and engaged in it while attending school. He thus became the intelligent artisan who merits the success that results from a combination of education and mechanical genius. In 1872 Mr. Morgan left his native home, to become a citizen of the United States. Upon landing at New York he started directly for San Francisco. After his arrival there he worked at ship-building and other kindred occupations for about five years. He then removed to San Jose, and for about eighteen months was employed in the machine shops of that city; but, being of an enterprising disposition, he soon established the shops mentioned in the first part of our sketch, and has since conducted them with great success.

        By his enterprise, industry, honesty, and ability, Mr. Morgan has won not only the patronage of the community, but also its respect. He is a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, and is also connected with the Santa Clara Lodge, No. 238, I. O. O. F.

        In 1874 he married Miss Margaret Center, daughter of George Center, of Santa Clara County. Three daughters have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan: Lizzie C., aged (in 1888) twelve years; Lillie, aged nine years; and Maggie, aged three years.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 564



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight