The Valley of Heart's Delight


St. Patrick's Ranch-


Bio- Pen Pictures- page425

In writing the history of the pioneer settlement of Union District, more than a passing mention must be made of the subject of this sketch.  He is the owner of St. Patrick’s Ranch, situated on the Los Gatos and Almaden road, four miles east of Los Gatos.  He came to San Francisco in July, 1852, and to the Santa Clara Valley in March of the following year.  In May, he made a pre-emption of 160 acres, of what is now the Lone Hill Vineyard, and sowed a few acres to grain.  That property he held for about two years.  Meanwhile he married, in February, 1855, Miss Mary Madigan, daughter of D. C. Madigan, of San Jose, now deceased.  Mrs. McCarthy was born in Ireland, but reared from a babe in Canada.  She came to this valley in 1851, with her brother-in-law, Patrick Sullivan.  Her parents followed them during the next year, and her mother is still living.  Soon after their marriage, Mr. McCarthy sold his claim and bought a pre-emption right of the property he now owns and occupies.  Establishing his residence on the place, the work of improvement commenced, which has steadily progressed, and which has converted his property into the present fine, well-improved ranch.  The large, commodious residence, substantial barn, and other buildings, are indications of the prosperity which Mr. McCarthy enjoys.  But he has, by no means, been blessed with uninterrupted good fortune, for he has twice suffered great loss by fire.  His first fine residence, built at a cost of $8,000, was burned in 1878 !  He also lost a well-filled grain barn by fire.  These losses were entire, with the exception of about $3,000 on house and furniture.  Yet Mr. McCarthy has, in both cases, rebuilt.  He has recovered from these misfortunes by the energy and perseverance with which he has conducted his business.  His land is devoted to general farming.  He has owned another 160 acres, adjoining his present ranch, on the north, which he sold in 1887, after planting a vineyard of twenty acres.  He realized $23,500 from the sale of the property.

            Mr. McCarthy was born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1830, reared to manhood on a farm, and came to the United States in 1850.  After making New York his home about a year, he worked on the Panama railroad about four months.  He then came to San Francisco, and soon after to Santa Clara County.

            In the loss of his wife, who died at the age of fifty-five years, in December, 1884, Mr. McCarthy mourns a devoted wife and help mate.  She was the mother of ten children, of whom six are now living.  The first-born were twins, of whom one only, Anna, lived to the age of two years.  One other child died in infancy.  Agnes, who lived to become the wife of Hugh Kelly, died, leaving two children.  The names of the living children are:  Teresa, Vinnie, John and Mollie (twins), Daniel, and Louisa.  The last-named is now (in 1888) attending the Normal School.  John is a graduate of the Garden City Business College, and Daniel is now attending the same school.  All the family are consistent members of the Catholic Church.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 425
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler