One of Palo Alto's most pop­ular young business men is John M. Camp, the effi­cient and genial local representative of Sherman Clay & Company's piano store, at 340 University Ave­nue. Genial and accommodating of disposition he takes pleasure in assisting teachers, musicians and concert people in advertising, printing programs and furnish­ing Steinway and other high grade instruments for public performances. He particularly aims to co­operate with local educational institutions in furnish­ing the best of pianos for their public recitals, school and concert work as occasion arises, thereby further­ing his company's business interests and at the same time doing valuable services to the community.

A native of Holland, he was born at Amsterdam, June 10, 1892. Having completed the course of pub­lic instruction provided in his native country, he entered the employ of Holland's largest piano house, the firm of C. C. Bender at Amsterdam, who represent the Steinway and Aeolian Companies in Hol­land, serving as an office boy and gaining sales knowl­edge and a general familiarity with the piano business. He arrived in America in 1909, and coming to Chicago, he first worked in the factory of the Schultz Piano Company, for two and a half years; then he worked in the factory of the Kimball Piano Company for four years. While he received a liberal education in his native tongue, when he came to America he at­tended night school and in this way obtained a good business use of the English language. In- 1915 he removed to California and went to work for George Birkel of Los Angeles and in 1917 returned to Chi­cago and again entered the employ of the W. W. Kim­ball Company working in the repair department. He was then sent out on the road as a salesman for the Kimball Piano Company through southern Michigan. When the late war broke out Mr. Camp enlisted and was sent to the Presidio at San Francisco and served in the Coast Artillery. After his honorable discharge he went to San Jose and accepted a position with Sherman Clay & Company, as a salesman, and was with them until they opened their new music store on August 20, 1920 at Palo Alto; he was then solic­ited to take charge of their new store and he became the local representative and is making good in every way. The business is steadily growing and Mr. Camp is one of the most promising of all the young music dealers in California. His efforts are ever toward the advancements of all movements calculated to enhance the general welfare of Palo Alto, and his fel­low-townsmen esteem him highly for his many ex­cellent qualities.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1459


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight