Proprietor of the Willows Fountain Resort

 Bio-Pen Pictures

resides on the San Jose and Alviso road, at the junction of the Montague road, in the Midway School District, about six miles north of San Jose, at which point he is the owner of sixteen acres of land, two acres of which is planted with grapevines of the Mission variety. The rest of his land is devoted to the raising of hay and grain. He is also the owner of a saloon and billiard-room on the corner.

        The subject of this sketch was born at Fayal, Azores Islands, in 1831. His parents, Manuel and Francisco Carlota Machado, were natives and residents of the place of his birth. His father was a farmer and saloon-keeper, in which occupations he was reared until the age of fifteen years, when he came to the United States, landing in New London, Connecticut. From this point he was engaged for the next three years on a whaling voyage. In December, 1850, he shipped on an American vessel bound for San Francisco, arriving there in April, 1851. Soon after his arrival in California, he located in Placer County, and for more than a year was engaged in mining. He then removed to San Pablo, Contra Costa County, and followed the calling of a farmer for about three years. Returning to the mines, he pursued that occupation in Georgetown and in Tuolumne County, until 1865. In this latter year he visited his old home in the Azore Islands, and while there married Miss Vescencia Ignacia Gracia, the daughter of Manuel and Vescencia (Ignacia) Gracia, who were natives of that place. He then returned to the United States, accompanied by his bride, and located in Santa Clara County, where he engaged in farm labor until 1873, in which year he rented the Willows Fountain on the San Jose and Milpitas road, three miles north of San Jose. He was the proprietor of this well-known resort for the next twelve years. In 1885 he moved to his present residence.

        Mr. Machado, by his industry and strict attention to his business, has succeeded in placing himself in comfortable circumstances. He takes a deep interest in the country of his adoption, and particularly in the prosperity of Santa Clara County. In politics he is Democratic, but exercises an intelligent discretion in his support of men and measures.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 584-585


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight