Bio-Pen Pictures

is the owner of a fine ranch of 150 acres in the Cambrian District, on the Kirk road, five miles a little west of south of San Jose. He bought the property in the autumn of 1868, it having been somewhat improved  prior to his purchase, but much in need of repair. Mr. Klee has removed all appearance of neglect, and has added many building improvements. The fences, with the exception of 500 yards, have been rebuilt, a barn 62x80 feet has been erected, while the house has been almost entirely reconstructed. The ranch is successfully devoted to general farming and stock-raising.

        The subject of our sketch was born in Germany, June 24, 1832. He was orphaned in his youth, and when nineteen years of age he left his native home, to follow many of his countrymen to the United States, the hope of the poor man of many a far-off land. From the spring of 1852 to that of 1856 he lived in Rochester, New York. He then came to California, and made the Sacramento Valley his home for twelve years or more, with the exception of one year, which he spent in New York.

        On the nineteenth of April, 1868, Mr. Klee was united in marriage with Miss Mary Vollmer, daughter of George and Margaret (Hilbert) Vollmer, both of whom are natives of Germany. Mrs. Klee was born in Rochester, New York, June 15, 1843, coming to California in 1866. Her father is deceased, but her mother yet lives in her old home, Rochester.

        Mr. and Mrs. Klee are consistent members of the Catholic Church. They commenced their married life with but little capital, except strong hands and willing hearts, with a determination to merit success by industry and frugality. That success they have won by well-directed effort. They may well feel that they have gained not only a fair share of temporal prosperity, but also the confidence and esteem of their neighbors and acquaintances.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 576


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight