Bio- Sawyers

-For over sixty years the Stanfield family has been numbered among the upbuilders and promoters of Santa Clara County and as an orchardist and financier James J. Stanfield has contributed to the prestige of a name that has long been an honored one in this part of the state. He was born in the Union district of Santa Clara County, August 12, 1862, a son of John and Margaret (Cairns) Stanfield. In 1858 the father arrived in California, having made the voyage around Cape Horn, and after spending three years in San Francisco, he came to the Union district, purchasing a tract of 260 acres, being one of the first settlers in the district and a pioneer fruit grower, as well as banker, in Los Gatos. He is elsewhere mentioned in this history.

James J. Stanfield is the only surviving member of a family of three children and after completing his education, which was acquired in the public schools of the Union district, he assisted his father in the operation of the home farm. Later, aside from horticulture, he turned his attention to finance, and as early as 1887 he became connected with the Bank of Los Gatos, of which in time he became vice-president. With keen insight into business affairs and situations and a thorough understanding of every phase of banking, he labored effectively to promote the success of the institution, which ranks with the substantial financial enterprises of this part of the state. In 1919 he sold the home farm which he had brought to a high state of cultivation until it was one of the finest orchard and vineyard properties in the valley. He had previously purchased the old Howe place near Winchester, which he cultivated until 1922, when he disposed of it to again make his home in Los Gatos. All these years he had specialized in raising fruit, having acquired a comprehensive knowledge of horticulture under the able instruction of his father in earlier years and a continued study of the industry from a scientific point, and much success rewarded his efforts.

Mr. Stanfield married Miss Sue M. Place, born in Jackson, Mich., and they became the parents of two children: Helen, who died when fourteen years of age, and John Harold, who is superintendent of plant No. 13, operated by the California Prune & Apricot Growers Association at Los Gatos. He is married and has two daughters, Susan Bell and Margaret. Mr. Stanfield gives his political allegiance to the Republican party and his fraternal connections are with the Masons, the Elks and the Odd Fellows, and he is past president of Los Gatos Parlor, N. S. G. W. His entire life has been spent in Santa Clara County, and he has watched with interest its development and upbuilding, in which he has borne his full share, his worth as a man and citizen being widely recognized.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 800
transcribed by Joseph Kral



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight