(see 1888 Bio- Pen Pictures)


An honored veteran of the Civil War, with an enviable record for valiant service in that hard-fought conflict, John J. Peard has been a resident of Santa Clara County for close to half a century, witnessing its remarkable growth in the passing decades and contributing no small part to its development. He was born in New Brunswick, August 14, 1843, the son of Thomas and Frances (Lynch) Peard, natives of Ireland, who were Presbyterians in religion. The father was a shoemaker and when John J. was four years old the family moved to New York, which was the family home for a number of years. Later they came to California and here both parents died.

The youthful days of John J. Peard were spent at East Pembroke, N. Y., where he was educated in the public schools. When the Civil War broke out he was eager to give his services to his adopted country and left his books to enlist, September 5, 1862, in Company M, Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, and served for three years; he was in many bitter engagements in .that time, experiencing all of the hardships of warfare. Among the engagements in which he took part are the battles of Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Monocacy, Charleston, Opequam Creek, Cedar Creek, Petersburg, March 25 and April 2, 1865, Sailor's Creek, Appomattox, where he was present at the surrender of General Lee, April 9, 1865. He took part in the Grand Review at Washington, after which he was mustered out and honorably discharged, September 29, 1865, having attained the rank of second lieutenant. In 1866 he came to California, locating at Dunning, Yolo County, where he followed ranching for several years. Early in the '70s he came to Santa Clara County and purchased his ranch on Hamilton Avenue and he still owns five acres which are set to a fine orchard, devoted to prunes, cherries and apricots. This has been his home ever since and he is now one of the oldest residents in this section.

Mr. Peard was married at San Francisco in 1910 to Miss Jennie Brock, a native of Toronto, Canada, an accomplished woman, who was reared and educated in New York City. She presides gracefully over his home and has ever been an able helpmate. A stanch Republican, Mr. Peard has always taken an active interest in the affairs of that party, and he has been very prominent in the ranks of the G. A. R., being a member of Bennett Post, G. A. R., in San Jose. He is a past commander of both Sheridan-Dix and Bennett Posts.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922  page 1444

SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight