The Valley of Heart's Delight



A decidedly progressive man prominent in the California commercial world, whose substantial principles have been the best kind of a guarantee as to his advocacy of all that would make for the rapid and permanent development of the state, county and city in which he resides, is Joseph H. Rucker & Company, who was born near San Jose, on March 23, 2865.  His Father, Joseph E. Rucker, was a farmer who came to California in 1852, and at Gilroy, in Santa Clara County, married Miss. Susan Brown, a fine type of the American woman who had come to the Golden State a year ahead of him.  In 1874, he established himself in business, and nine years later he took his son into partnership.  He died in 1890, survived for seven years by his devoted wife.  When she passed away in 1897, she was the mother of eight children, four boys and four girls, and among these Joseph H. Rucker was the  youngest son.  He finished the grammar school courses, then studied for a while at the high school, and after that put in two years at the College of the Pacific , and topped off his work as a student at he Garden City Business College.  Thus pretty well equipped to try his own resources in the world at large, he entered the service of Hutchinson & Mann, the largest insurance concern on the Pacific Coast, and when he was only eighteen years of age, joined his father in forming the firm of J. E. Rucker & Sons, successors to Rucker & Page.  In 1901, the firm was incorporated as Joseph H. Rucker & Company.  On January 1, 1907, a branch house, under the name of Joseph H. Rucker & Company was established in San Francisco.

On June 6, 1888, Mr. Rucker was married to Miss May P. Dunne, a representative of another old family and a charring lady of natural gifts and a developed talent; and their union has been further blessed by three children, Joseph E., DeWitt C., and Jerome W. Rucker, all three associated with their father in business.  The family attend the Roman Catholic Church, and participate in the social functions of the Country and the Olympic clubs.  In national politics a Republican, Mr. Rucker delights to give his non-partisan, undivided support to all well-endorsed loyal projects.  A true descendant of the worthies pioneers, Mr. Rucker rejoices in all that pertains to California life; and being especially fond of the great outdoors, he maintains a camp in Monterey County where he and his many friends often enjoy facilities for recreation and pleasure  sought for by others in  corners of the earth far from home.


SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORY- The Valley of Heart's Delight
July 22, 2005