
Bio- Sawyers
After an eventful life as a mining prospector, during which time he traveled over a wide area, including South America, Mexico, Canada and Alaska, Henry Schroeder, after turning his attention to ranching developed a model orchard and attractive home place on San Martin Avenue, San Martin. Mr. Schroeder was born on February 20, 1853, at Hamburg, Germany, and when he was seventeen he lost no time in crossing the ocean to America, coming on to San Francisco, where he made his headquarters while a mining prospector.

In 1890, on January 19, Mr. Schroeder was married at San Francisco to Miss Agnes Kuster, a native daughter of that city, where she was reared and educated. Her father died when about forty-five, but her mother, Mrs. Agnes Gerdes, is still living, aged eighty-one, at Glen Ellen, Cal. Two children were born to them, Selma A. and Herbert 0., who is caring for the home place at San Martin. Selma Agnes was born in San Francisco and was reared on Deadwood Creek. She attended the public schools at Yreka, San Mateo and Morgan Hill, and after graduating from high school entered the San Jose State Normal School, graduating in 1917, receiving her certificate as a teacher that same Fall. She taught at Trinity, Sonoma County, for one year, and in 1918 came to San Martin, where she accepted a position in the grammar school, now being the senior teacher there in length of service. A talented and cultured young woman, she has taken every advantage of her splendid educational opportunities and can number her friends by the score.

After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder settled at Yreka, Siskiyou County, where Mr. Schroeder was engaged in mining, having developed what is still known as the Schroeder mine on Deadwood Creek. In 1905 they removed to San Francisco, where they suffered the loss of all their possessions in the fire of April, 1906, and then removed to San Mateo, compelled to start all over again. In 1909 the family came to San Martin and here Mr. Schroeder, nothing daunted by his reverses, selected twenty acres of good land, which he transformed by hard work and intelligent care into a fine orchard property, which is already bringing in good returns. Mr. Schroeder was always to be found among the public-spirited men of the district when any progressive measure was considered and in this he was always seconded by his wife, who proved herself a true helpmate. He was a mem
ber of St. John's Lodge No. 37, F. & A. M., at Yreka, having joined in March, 1902. He died on January 20, 1922, at his home on the San Martin Ranch, and was buried with Masonic honors.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1479


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight