
An enterprising business man whose splendid success has been due to his intelligent industry, together with a fortunate hotel site, is John Hauk, the proprietor of the popular resort, -Alum Rock Lodge," at the summit of Alum Rock Avenue, about five miles east of San Jose.

He was born in the town of Nebes, Martian Province, in Czecho-Slovakia, the son of John Hauk, a linen weaver. John made his own living from the time he was ten years old, working at wire weaving for his uncle until thirteen years of age, when he went to Vienna, Austria, and then tried different trades, but found it uphill work until he learned the waiter's trade and in time got on his feet. When fifteen he made a trip home, after which he apprenticed at the tailor's trade in Deutsch Lebau, for three years, after which he worked as a journeyman in Austria and then came on foot over the Rodeburg Mountains to Dresden, Germany, after which he worked in Berlin, Heligoland and Hamburg, then back to Berlin again, where he remained for five years. In this city he had the opportunity of studying the sciences and he majored in economics and politics. While living there he was married January 10, 1890, to Miss Elizabeth Fremde, descended of a splendid old German family, and five months later he had saved sufficient money to migrate to Chicago, Ill., arriving in August, 1891. Here he worked at his trade and also made patterns for ladies' suits. A year later, however, he started a business of his own, engaging in millinery and dressmaking. Later on he dropped the latter to give all of his time to the millinery store, and by close application made a splendid success. Three years after he started he bought a lot and built his own business building and under the sign "Leading Millinery," he established himself as a leader in this line.

In 1902 Mr. Hauk came to California, traveling over the state investigating and looking for a location. In June, 1903, he came out again with his wife and purchased twenty-two and one-half acres on the summit of Alum Rock Avenue. His wife returned to Chicago, but he remained to start the improvement of his orchard property. After he had built a residence he and his wife lived here, but they continued the business in Chicago. He was at the spring opening there in 1906, when a wire telling him his wife was very ill called him home, but she died six weeks later, on April 1. After this he sold his business in Chicago and made a trip to Europe, traveling in different countries, but he was homesick for California, so after nine months he returned.

He was again forced to take over his old business in Chicago and conducted it eight years, going back and forth; thus he has made twenty-four round trips. In July, 1919, he sold the business and was free to stay on his California ranch. He has bought adjoining land, so he now owns sixty acres devoted to raising apricots and prunes. The orchard is beautifully located on a hill, is above the frost and commands a magnificent view of the valley, having ample water for both domestic and irrigation purposes. Mr. Hauk has converted it into a hotel resort. He has a fine residence built of cobblestones and has also seven cottages and a building 30x60 with ten sleeping porches, all modern and well-equipped. This resort he has appropriately named Alum Rock Lodge and it is popular and well-patronized.

Mr. Hauk's second marriage occurred in Schenectady, N. Y., when he was united with Miss Theresa Wendt, born in Gratz, Austria. They have had six children: Hans, deceased; Margaret Elizabeth, Hans Walter, Elsie, Arthur and Diana. Mr. Hauk is a straightforward man, reliable in all he says and does; he is a thorough .American, and when he votes he acts according to his dictates as a thinking, free citizen, spurning narrow partisanship.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 917


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight