Bio-Pen Pictures

Supervisor of District No. 1, Santa Clara County, is a native of New Madrid County, Missouri, born November 7, 1838, his parents being David and Nancy Morgan (Yergin) Phegley. The former was a native of Indiana, and the latter of Kentucky. Both went to Missouri when young, and were there married. The subject of this sketch was educated at Arcadia Academy, in Iron County, Missouri. After leaving school he engaged in the milling business in Tennessee, and three years later returned to New Madrid County, where he farmed until 1870. He then came to California, and located at San Jose. Three months later he removed to Madrone, where he purchased a farm of 240 acres, which he worked successfully for seven years. He went to Gilroy in 1877, where he lived for six years, part of which time he was engaged in the grocery business, and part in farming.

In 1883 he moved to Old Gilroy, where he now resides. He was married in Missouri to Miss Mary Catherine Hancock, a native of New Madrid County, Missouri, but of Kentucky ancestry. They have five children, as follows: Stella, William, Annie, David, and Nora. Mr. Phegley is a Democrat, politically. For several years he held the office of Constable, and at the election of November, 1886, he was chosen Supervisor of the First District of Santa Clara County. Mr. Phegley takes an active interest in public affairs, and is at present a member of the Democratic County Central Committee. He is regularly chosen as a delegate to the county conventions of his party. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. at Gilroy, and of the American Legion of Honor. Mr. Phegley has, besides his residence at Old Gilroy, two stock ranches in the Canada de los Osos, and usually runs from 100 to 150 head of cattle. One of his ranches contains 900 acres, and the other 400. Both are watered by creeks and springs.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 534


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight