Bio-Pen Pictures


 California has made a wonderful progress, and people are fond of attributing it all to its genial climate and its fertile soil. They are wrong in giving these all the credit. California, with all her unparalleled natural resources, lay a desert until settled up with men of bone and sinew and brains, who comprise the vast majority of its American settlers. This was notable in the early days, and is not less so now. The energy, the money, and the business capacity of the men still coming in are helping mightily in the upbuilding of the State. It is for this reason that we are glad to read the life history of the men of California, as they are full of interest and instruction. Mr. James F. Hull is the owner of ten acres of land as choice as any in the valley, situated on the White road in the Pala School District, about three and a half miles east of the business center of San Jose. He has set it all out in orchard, planting 500 apricots, 500 French prunes and about 50 other trees of the different sorts that prosper in this valley, to afford a variety. There is a plentiful supply of water, which is reached in wells at the depth of ninety-eight feet, but irrigation is not necessary, vegetables and small fruits coming to the choicest perfection without.

Mr. Hull was born in Mineral, West Virginia, December 29, 1844, being the son of William and Jemima (Tucker) Hull, both natives of Virginia. His father was a farmer, and to the same calling the son was brought up, but at the same time learning the carpentering and blacksmithing trades. In 1868 he married Miss Elmira V. Parsons, the daughter of Job and Sarah (Larch) Parsons, who were residents of his section of the State. He then started on his own account and for two years or more worked his father-in-law's farm. In 1871 he removed to Newton County, Indiana, where he rented a farm and carried it on four years, until, December 15, 1874, he started for California. Fresno was the point chosen for a location, and here he became a farmer and stockraiser, at the same time engaging as a builder of houses and bridges, and also starting a shop for blacksmithing and carriage work. Mr. Hull followed these employments, meeting with a very satisfactory and deserved success, until, in March, 1888, he sold out at a fair profit and came to Santa Clara County. Here he purchased the beautiful spot where he now resides, and immediately began its improvement. He has built himself an elegant and commodious cottage of two stories, and is in a position to make life comfortable. He has five children living: Albertie, Emma, Josephine, Laura, Helen, and James Truman, all of whom live at home, and such of them as are old enough attend school. Mr. Hull is a gentlemen of broad education and of good attainment; a Democrat in politics, but at the same time both liberal and conservative in sentiment, taking a living interest in all questions of the day. In Fresno County he was a School Trustee, and was closely identified with the best interests of that section. He has transferred his allegiance to this valley, and is enthusiastic over its prospects, being emphatically what is considered the best kind of an immigrant.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 243-244 Transcribed by Carol Lackey


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight