Bio- Sawyers

A splendid example of the capable American woman in business is afforded by Mrs. Julia E. Burket, the proprietor of the popular Patterson Drug Store at 251 South First Street, San Jose. She was born in Tipton, Iowa, and her parents were John J. and Freda Esther. She attended the grammar and the high school at Tipton, and finished her studies with higher educational courses in the State University at Iowa City. She continued to reside at home until she was married, on May 27, 1884, to John Eberle Burket, a native of Dixon, Ill., the son of Peter and Elizabeth Burket. Mr. Burket was an undertaker at Creston, Iowa, before he was married, and when he and his devoted wife came out to California in 1891, they settled at Paso Robles, and there Mr. Burket established a furniture and undertaking business. At the end of eight years, he sold out and they removed to Watsonville; and in 1905, after having again engaged in undertaking business, he passed away.

Mrs. Burket remained in Watsonville until 1912, when she removed to Berkeley for the education of her two children. Eventually Harold Escher was graduated from the University of California with the class of '16 as an engineer and architect, and he is at present with the Wallace & Bush Company of Long Beach. Elizabeth also graduated from the University of California, and later she received her state certificate as an instructor. At present, as a member of the staff of the San Jose high school, she has charge of public health and welfare work.

In 1918 Mrs. Burket removed to San Jose, upon the death of her sister, Mrs. Emma E. Patterson, and became the administratrix of her estate. She remodeled Mrs. Patterson's home at 22 South Eleventh Street, and now makes that her residence. She purchased the Patterson drug store, and later took in Nicholas J. Volino as a partner, who is a native son of San Jose, is a graduate pharmacist, and has charge of the prescription business. Mrs. Burket also owns twenty-two acres of almond orchard, one of the finest in that part of the state, at Paso Robles.

Mr. Burket was a prominent member of both the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, and he marched under the banners of the Republican party; and Mrs. Burket, who shares the political preference of her husband, also belongs to the ladies' auxiliaries of those orders. Mrs. Burket takes a keen interest in public affairs, and is ever ready to do what she can toward the upbuilding as well as the building up of San Jose and Santa Clara County.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1249


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight