

 Bio-Pen Pictures

one of the early settlers of Union District, bought and took possession of his present home in 1859. He bought 280 acres that year, for the low price of $5.00 per acre, on credit. He commenced the work of improvement at once, and, to assist him in paying for the property, he sold 80 acres of it for $15 per acre. The advance in price was quite an inducement to sell. Such facts as these furnish the best of illustrations of the wonderful growth and development of the Golden State. At the present time (less than thirty years since Mr. Ross came here) the farm would be considered a very fine investment at $225 or $250 per acre.

Mr. Ross was born November 11, 1822, in Holmes County, Ohio, where he lived until nineteen years of age. His father, Nathan Ross, died when he was a boy, while his mother, Sarah Ross, lived to the age of seventy-two years, and died in the adjoining county of Wayne, where he was born. From 1841 to 1850 he lived in Lee County, Iowa, where he married, in 1846, Miss Sarah E. Page, who was born in the State of Massachusetts, April 6, 1823. Three children have been born in their family: Ada, who died at the age of two years; Nathan L., who is a resident of Hamilton District; and Mary, who makes her home with her parents.

In 1850 Mr. Ross came under the influence of the all-powerful gold excitement, and came to California, overland, spending four months en route. During the first winter he engaged in mining, in El Dorado County, at Rough and Ready. The following spring he returned to Iowa, by way of the Isthmus of Panama. But the equable climate of California drew him back to its enjoyment, and, with his wife and son, Nathan L.,(see bio below) he left Iowa about the first of April, 1853.

The long, tiresome journey with ox teams consumed six months. They spent the winter with Mr. Ross' brother James, on the Sacramento River, and in the spring came to Santa Clara Valley. The first two years here were spent in improving land, a valid title to which Mr. Ross found it would be impossible to obtain. The following two years he worked rented land, on the Los Gatos Creek. In 1859, as stated at the beginning of the sketch, Mr. Ross purchased his present ranch, which is five miles southwest of San Jose. Mr. Ross has devoted his life to agriculture, and the splendid condition of his ranch, buildings, and all the accessories of a good farm, bear testimony to the fact that he has a thorough understanding of his business. The location of his home is particularly fine, and the pride of the place is the grand old white oaks of natural growth, which shade the residence and the beautiful grounds. The farm, of 195 acres, is perfectly adapted to tillage, and at present is devoted to general farming.

Politically, Mr. Ross was identified with the Republican party for many years, but now he is a Prohibitionist.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 418

ROADMASTER- District 4

 Bio-Pen Pictures

residing on the corner of Hamilton Avenue and the Meridian road, is the owner of one of the most thrifty orchards in the Hamilton District. He commenced the improvement of his sixteen acres, which at the time of his purchase were part of a grain field, in 1881. The leading products of his orchard are apricots, prunes, and peaches. The orchard is in full bearing, and the following estimate of a part of the crop of 1887 will give a fair idea of its condition. In that year, from 400 apricot trees (then five years old) were gathered seventeen tons of fruit, which was sold for $540. The residence was built in the autumn of 1881.

        Mr. Ross was born in Lee County, Iowa, on the sixth of October, 1848. He is the son of John E. and Sarah (Page) Ross, who now live in Union District, of this county. The family came to California from Lee County at quite an early day, in 1853. After a few months' residence in Sacramento, they removed to Redwood City, in the spring of 1854, and from that place changed their residence to this county in 1856.

        Nathan L. Ross married Miss Arabella Harmon, in this county, on the first of October, 1870. They have one child living, Ada. Another daughter, Hattie, died at the age of ten months.

        Mr. Ross was appointed by the Board of Supervisors, in 1885, as Roadmaster, and thus has charge of part of the roads in District No. 4. Politically he is an adherent of the Republican party. He is thoroughly identified with the agricultural and horticultural interests of the county, as he has been engaged in these occupations in this county ever since reaching manhood. Experience has taught him his business thoroughly, as his own fruit interests attest.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 535-536


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight