Among those who have of recent years been attracted to Palo Alto by the superior educational advantages of Stanford, is the family of Mathias P. Jepsen, now happily domiciled in their new home at 471 Channing Avenue, entering heartily as they do into the civic life of the city.   A native of Denmark, Mathias P Jepsen was born near Tunderin, Slesvig, on April 1, 1863, being the oldest son and child of the four children of Mathias A. and Paulina Jepsen, the former being a blacksmith who participated in the war with Germany in 1864, through the outcome of which, that portion of Denmark was forced under the German flag.  The parents have passed away; while three of their children are still living; Mathias P., of this review; Hans Christian Jepsen, the treasurer and clerk of Douglas County, Nev.: Christine who came to Nevada as a young lady, married in California August Hansen, moving back to Nevada.  She died at Reno in November, 1901, leaving three children, Margrethe is the wife of Adolph Kastensen, and lives in Slesvig, which, since the World War, has regained its place under the folds of the Danish flag.  The Jepsens never became reconciled to German authority, and although they were compelled to leave German in their schools, yet the spoke mainly the Danish language in their home.
Resolved never to become a German soldier, Mathias Jepsen left home when nineteen years of age, for Mono County, Cal., where he arrived in 1883,  and entered the employ of T. B. Rickey, the cattleman, where he worked steadily for seven years and thoroughly learned the cattle business, Mr. Rickey being the owner of 18,000 cattle on the average.  About this time he found a helpmate in Miss Marie Jensen, who, as a young woman, left her Danish home and came to Douglass County, Nevada, in 1885.  They married in 1889 and in 1890 Mr. Jepsen bought 150 acres in Douglass County, Nev., and began as a farmer and stockman.  Good fortune attended him and as part of Nevada developed, the town of Gardenville was located upon his land, and was needed for townsite purposes.  He continued farming for thirty years, platted a part of his holdings and in 1918 disposed of all the balance to good advantage. A son being then a student at Stanford, he and his family moved to Palo Alto and bought their present resident property on Channing Avenue.
The union of Mr. and Mrs. Jepsen has been blessed with six children; Sophine, graduated from the Reno Normal, taught for a short time and married Robert Dempster, a storekeeper at Gardenville, Nev., and is the mother of three children- Kenneth, Gordon and Bobbie; Matilda graduated  from the University of Nevada at Reno, and later did postgraduate work at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, and became a high school teacher in Nevada.  She married Otto Hussman, a civil engineer, at Grant's Pass, Ore., where they are now living; they have two children-Margaret and William. Paulina is the wife of H. C Springmeyere, a well-to-do rancher at Menton, Nev., and they have two children-Leslie and Paula, Clarence died at the age of twelve; Hans J., who was at Camp Fremont during the recent war, received his A. B. Degree from Stanford and is now a law student at the Law School at the University of Chicago; Mabel is at home.  Mr. Jepsen is a man of high ideals, an American by choice, and devoted to his adopted land.  He was naturalized while living in Mono County, Cal., and adheres to the principles of the Republican party.

transcribed by C feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1339

(transcribers note- - could Gardenville be Gardnerville? could Menton be Minden?)