Bio-Pen Pictures

was born in Santiago, Chili, in 1846. In 1853, at the age of seven years, his  parents, Julian and Sylvestra Pillot, removed to California and settled in San Jose. His father was a contractor and builder, which business he followed until his death, in 1859. He was a native of Bordeaux, France, and his wife was a native of Chili, South America, and is still living in San Jose.

        The subject of this sketch received his education in the public schools of San Jose, and later attended the Santa Clara College. When eighteen years of age he left the college and engaged for two years in the insurance business, in San Jose, for the New York Mutual Insurance Company, with D. O. Callahan, one of the earliest insurance agents in San Jose. He then engaged in the grocery business for four years with Lemonie, Gambert & Co. In 1871 he became weighing clerk for the Southern Pacific Railroad Company at San Jose, and remained with the company seven years, being promoted through the various grades to the position of chief clerk, in which he continued for several years. In 1878 he accepted a clerkship with the South Pacific Coast Railroad Company, in which capacity he served several years, when he was appointed station agent, which position he held for five years previous to the purchase of the road by the Southern Pacific Railway Company, in 1887. Since that time he has continued in that position. Most of the active, mature life of Mr. Pillot has been passed in the railroad business, in which he is an expert, having full charge of all the business done by the Southern Pacific Coast Railway Company in San Jose. He has about forty men under his charge in the freight, storage, and other departments. They receive daily an average of fifty cars of freight from the southern points on the road, while from the north they receive about fifteen car loads. This traffic is constantly increasing, Mr. Pillot being compelled to increase his force from time to time. He is a member of San Jose Lodge, No. 125, Knights of Pythias.

        Mr. Pillot was married, in 1884, to Miss Emma Bailey, a native of Mendocino County, and a graduate of the State Normal School of San Jose. She has been a teacher in her native county. He resides at No. 197 Montgomery Street, San Jose.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 596


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight