



For many years engaged in the mercantile business in the Middle West, in which he made a splendid success, and with an interesting career in the military service of his adopted country, Otto F. Jemm has been engaged principally as an orchardist and vineyardist since taking up his residence at San Martin in 1912. Mr. Jemm was born at Danzig, Germany, on May 27, 1863, the son of Herman and Teresa (Schulz) Jemm. Even while attending school, he spent his spare time in learning the general merchandise business, receiving a thorough training in this branch of business that was of great help to him in later years. Prior to coming to America he served three years in the German Army.

In 1885 Mr. Jemm came to America, and for two years made his home in New York City. On May 6, 1887, he enlisted in Company I, Eighth U. S. Infantry, stationed at Fort Robinson, Nebr., and served for five years in the army. He went through the indian troubles of 1890-91, experiencing all the dangers. hardships and suffering entailed in that conflict. He was among the captors of the notorious indian chief, Sitting Bull, in September, 1890, and was also in the bloody encounter at Pine Ridge on January 2. 1891. He received his honorable discharge at Fort McKinney, Wyo., May 5, 1892, after which he located in Chicago, where he conducted a store at La Salle and Monroe streets, in the heart of the business district of that great metropolis. From there he went to Kenosha. Wis .. where he established a large mercantile business, in which he was very successful, conducting it for about fifteen years. In August, 1912, Mr. Jemm came to California and settled at San Martin. where he has since made his home. He had bought his property in 1910, while on a visit to California. As an orchardist and vineyardist he has been most successful, so that he is now able to retire from active ranch life and enjoy the means he has accumulated through his years of successful activity.

At Chicago, in October. 1892, Mr. Jemm was married to Miss Pauline Ochsmen, born November 7. 1863, in Silesia, Prussia. the daughter of Wilhelm and Caroline (Peitsch) Ochsmen. Mrs. Jemm came to this country with her sister, now Mrs. Caroline

Bamickel of Allegan, Mich., arriving at New York City in 1889. Mr. and Mrs. Jemm are the parents of two children, Otto H., who had one year at University of Califomia, is a Mason and served in the U. S. forces during the World War, having graduated as master gunner at Fortress Monroe, but did not get overseas on account of a bad knee,
but was in service eighteen months and is now in the garage business at Gilroy; Alice is still attending school. A loyal citizen of his adopted country, Mr. Jemm is a Republican in politics and one of San Martin's dependable citizens. He has been a member of the Masons since 1910, holding membership in Keith Lodge, Gilroy, and belongs to the M. W. A.

Transcribed by cferoben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1611