Bio-Pen Pictures

engineer at the Palo Alto trotting ranch, is a native of New York, born in Orleans County, June 24, 1834, his parents being Hosea and Sophronia (Stockwell) Dickenson. He was reared in Niagara County, New York, from the age of four years, and when he was twenty he commenced to learn the trade of engineer. At the age of twenty-two he became second engineer of a propeller plying on the lakes, and was so engaged during the season of navigation for about five years.

He then went to Illinois, and soon afterward located with his brother in Bureau County, with whom he remained about four and a half years. In 1859 he crossed the plains to California, coming with a party made up of Illinois and Wisconsin people. Five months later they arrived at Carson Valley. The party split up, and those with whom he remained went to Dogtown Creek, a small mining camp, and wintered there in four feet of snow. That season the Mono diggings were discovered, and there he mined the next summer. About this time the celebrated Esmeralda mine was discovered, and he went there. He engaged in prospecting and mining, but during the most of the four and a half years that he remained there he was engaged in running the quartz-mill engines. At this camp a good band had been organized, of which he was a member, and when the Reese River mine excitement started the entire organization went to the new camp. He was engineer there for four and a half years, but was compelled to leave on account of his health. He came to Santa Clara County in 1868, and operated a threshing-machine each season until he came to the Palo Alto Ranch, and during three seasons also conducted a saw-mill. He assumed the duties of his present position on the 28th of September, 1882.

        Mr. Dickenson was married, in 1883, to Miss Florence Smith. They have two children, viz.: Roxie Maud, and an infant, unnamed. Politically Mr. Dickenson is a stanch Republican.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 588


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight