Bio-Pen Pictures

a resident of the Willow District, owns a fine fruit orchard of six acres, located on Pine Avenue, between Washington and Lupton Avenues. The improvement of this piece of property, which was formerly a barley field, he commenced in 1876. The orchard furnishes prunes, cherries, and pears. The building improvements are all Mr. Canney's work.

        Mr. Canney was born in New Durham, Stafford County, New Hampshire, June 3, 1838. He is the son of James and Jane M. (Fox) Canney, both of whom were born and reared in New Hampshire. In 1855 the family removed to Minneapolis, Minnesota, which was then but a village. In that place, on the nineteenth of September, 1864, Mr. Joseph D. Canning wedded Miss Phoebe M. Gilmore. They have two children, Ida L. and Fred G. At the present time (1888), the former is in her twenty-second year, and the latter, attending the University, is in his twentieth year.

        Mr. Canney's parents removed from Minneapolis to Santa Clara County, in 1869, and now live at the Willows, owning and occupying a piece of property on Minnesota Avenue. The father and son, under the firm name of J. Canney & Co., are engaged, during the season of such work, in fruit-drying. Mr. Canney's parents are members of the Society of Friends. Mr. Canney's sister, Elvira J., the wife of W. E. Ward, makes her home with her husband at the residence of her parents, on Minnesota Avenue.

        Mr. Canney and his family are members of the Methodist Church. Politically Mr. Canney is a Republican, with strong Prohibitionist tendencies. He has been a resident of Santa Clara County for eighteen years, and during this time has won the respect of the community, for his integrity, and for all those qualities which he inherited from the old New England family from which he has descended. His influence, which is for the right, is exercised in the efforts which he puts forth for the good of the community in which he lives.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 566


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight