Pen Pictures
page 612

Doctor/Druggist/Medical Examiner
Santa Clara County Biography

SURNAMES:   Henderson, Smith, McGarvin, Titus, Keenan

J. C. Stout., M.D.  The parents of this gentleman, Dr. J. M. and Julia A. (Henderson) Stout, were among the earliest pioneers of Illinois, going there from Ohio with their parents while they were children.  The Doctor was born in Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, in the year 1846.  He worked on his father's farm, and attended the district school, until he attained the age of sixteen years, when the Civil War was ushered in,  and  he enlisted in Company I, Ninety-first Volunteer Infantry of Illinois.  His regiment joined Buell's command, and he participated in that general's campaign in Kentucky during 1862 and early in 1863, when they joined Grant's forces before Vicksburg, being then attached to the third Brigade, Second Division of the Thirteenth Army Corps.  After the surrender of that stronghold he went wit his company to New Orleans, and later on several expeditions in that pat of the county, during which tie they had engagements in battle with Generals Dick Taylor, Marmaduke, and Joe Shelby, after which they went on an expedition to Brownsville on the Rio Grande, where he remained one year and was then sent home on a sick furlough.  In 1864 he was ordered to the general hospital, and there discharged from the service.  The following fall he entered Illinois College at Jackonsville, and after spending one year there he attended the Shurtleff College, at Alton, Illinois for the next three years.  In 1868 he engaged in the drug business at Whitehall, Illinois, in which he continued for two years, and then joined his father ,who had emigrated to Kansas, where he studied medicine and practiced, with him for his preceptor.  He remained there four years.  During this time he was appointed by the county commissioners to fill the vacancy in the sheriff's office, in Neosho County, which position he occupied one year, and in March, 1874, he came to California, and accepted a position with Charles Langly & Co., wholesale druggists, of San Francisco.  At the expiration of a year he went to Gilroy, where he practiced medicine a year and a half and then returned ease, where he took a regular course at the American Medical colllege of St. Louis.  Graduating in 1878, he located in Edwardsville, Illinois, where he practced three years and then returned to  California, and located at San Jose, where he has been actively engaged in his profession since.  He is a member of the State Medical Societies of Missouri, Illinois, and California, having been one year Vice President of the Illinois State Medical Society, and president of the California Society for two consecutive terms.  He is also a member of the National  Medical Society, having been delegated to that association twice from Illinois, and once from California.  He is a member of various fraternal orders in San Jose, being medical examiner in several of them, and is medical director for California in the G. A. R.

In 1876 he was married, at Upper Alton, Illinois, to Miss Gertrude Smith, a daughter of Hon. George Smith, formerly State Senator for that district and the founder of Shurtleff College.  The Doctor has three children, whose name are:  Pearl H., Arthur, and Olive Gertrude.  The Doctor's father died at Whitehall, Illinois, in 1886.  His mother died in Spring Hill, Kansas, ten years before.  The Doctor has two brothers and three sisters in California who came to this state since he did.  His brother, George W., is a practicing physician in Ukiah, Mendocino County; his other brother, E. W., is a contractor and builder in San Jose.  His sister Mary is now the wife of Smith McGarvin, a carriage-builder of San Jose.  Martha, another sister, is the wife of Frank Titus, of Gilroy, and Amy, his other sister, is the wife of J. W. Keenan, a merchant of Placerville, El dorado County.

The Doctor is a member of the Baptist Church, and a stanch Republican in politics, believing in the fullest protection to American industries.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben- page 612