The Pioneer, published San Jose, California, Saturday, February 11, 1882
surnames:  Morris, Bradshaw
contributed by jchavnar

J C MORRIS was born in Marthasville, Warren county, Missouri, March 21, 1830. When quite young his parents moved to Danville, Montgomery county, where he resided until he reached the age of fourteen years, when he moved to the country, and commenced farming. Mr. Morris was sent to school at Danville, and received a liberal education, which, combined with energy of which he is possessed to an eminent degree, has materially assisted in his advancement in life, a progress which has been surely and steadily maintained. In the Spring of 1850 he entered into an arrangement with Jonathan Miles whereby he was to receive a horse to carry him to California, Miles to receive two hundred and fifty dollars for its services. They made the weary journey together, and on their arrival, August 2d, the subject of this narrative proceeded to Cox's Bar near Downieville, where he engaged in mining until about the 20th of September, the river raised and drove him out. Thinking the rainy season had commenced, he, with four others, packed up and went to Nevada City. Mr. Morris next went to Forbestown, there passed the Winter, and, in March, 1851, returned to Nevada City, and took up a residence there until 1859, engaging in mining until 1855, and the remainder of the time in the employ of the Rock Creek, Dear Creek, and South Yuba Canal Company. Mr. Morris now went once more to the mines, where he stayed until 1867, in the month of November of which year he left the mines and went to San Francisco. In the Spring of 1868 he located in Redwood city, San Mateo county, being variously employed in agriculture and farming. October 13, 1858, he came to San Jose and was in the service of Wells, Fargo & Co., till March 1, 1869. In April he commenced driving street-cars for S.A. Bishop, which he followed until July 8, 1871, when he was placed in the office of the company as Assistant Treasurer, a position he stills holds with credit alike to the public and his employers. Married, September 9, 1874, V.M. Bradshaw, a native of Fremont, Sandusky county, Ohio, by whom he has one child; Harrie Chester, born December 11, 1878.

The Pioneer, published San Jose, California, Saturday, February 11, 1882