The Valley of Heart's Delight


 Bio-Pen Pictures

            John C. Black, attorney at law, whose law offices are at rooms 18 and 19 Knox Block, and residence at No. 322 North Third Street, San Jose, is a native of Butler County, Pennsylvania, where he was born in 1834.  He there received his early education, attending later Alleghany College at Meadville, Pennsylvania, of which Bishop Kingsley was then a professor. In 1855 he left college to come to California, arriving at San Francisco by the Panama route in March of that year, at once proceeding to Jackson, Amador County, where he engaged in mining for two years.  Deciding on a more permanent direction for his energies, he came to the Santa Clara Valley, where he devoted himself for several years to teaching school and studying law.

            Being admitted to the Bar by the Supreme Court in January, 1863, he removed to Yuba County, where he engaged in the practice of law.  He filled the office of assistant district attorney in Marysville during 1863 and 1864, and then removed to San Jose, where he has continued in the practice of law since that time, filling the office of notary public in 1867 and 1868.  Was elected district attorney in 1871, holding the office until March, 1874.  He was married in 1868 to Miss Marian J. Millard, a native of Iowa, who came to California with her parents in her early childhood, in 1853.  They have six children:  Clara N., now attending the Normal School; John N., attending the University of the Pacific; Walter R., Edmund, James G., the three latter attending the public schools of San Jose, and an infant now one year old.

            Mr. Black’s parents were James and Nancy A. (Russell) Black, natives of Pennsylvania, where they lived until 1874, when they removed to California, and have since resided in San Jose.  They had five sons in the Union army during the late war, all coming out alive, although several were badly wounded.  The subject of his sketch is a member of Garden City Lodge, I.O.O.F., and of Mount Hamilton Lodge, No. 142, A.O.U.W., of San Jose, a Republican in politics, and in favor of tariff protection to American industries.  W. W. Black is interested in the San Jose Woolen Mill.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 94-95

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler


SANTA CLARA COUNTY -The Valley of Heart's Delight