
A modern, well-improved ranch of 103 acres, situated two miles from San Jose, pays tribute to the care and labor bestowed upon it by its owner, John Castello, who ranks with the progressive farmers and dairymen of Santa Clara County. He was born on the Isle of St. George, in the Azores, November 20, 1876, a son of Victory and Isabella (Mendonza) Castello, both of whom were born in Calyeata, on that island. The father was the owner of a small farm, which he continued to cultivate until his demise in 1885, when he was fifty-three years of age, while the mother passed away in 1898, also at the age of fifty-three. Of their children four sons and a daughter are residents of California, while a son and a daughter are still living in the Azores.
When eighteen years of age, in 1894, John Castello started for Marin County, Cal., to join an older brother, Joseph, who had preceded him to that section by five years. This brother is now a prominent rancher residing near Visalia, Cal., while another brother, George, is the owner of a ranch near Tracy. Cal. For five years John Castello remained in Mann County, receiving at first twenty dollars per month, and having carefully saved his earnings, when he had $900, he made his way to the Santa Clara Valley, he invested this capital in good dairy stock. His farm was situated on Maybury Road and in association with his brother, George Castello, he continued to operate that place for seventeen years. As time passed their business continued to grow steadily and they kept eighty milk cows, while they farmed 230 acres under lease. Six years ago Mr. Castello purchased the old Curtin Ranch of 103 acres, situated two miles from San Jose, at the corner of the Capitol and Story roads, and this he has since conducted. He has made many improvements upon the place, erecting a modern residence and substantial barns and outbuildings, while he also operates a dairy, employing three men for this purpose. Aside from dairying he is also engaged in horticulture, having about ten acres devoted to raising prunes. His buildings are well equipped and thoroughly sanitary and he brings to the management of his farm a scientific knowledge of modern agriculture and a progressive and open mind.

Mr. Castello was married in San Jose to Miss Mary Fielda, a native of Newark, Cal., and a daughter of Frank and Mary Fielda; the father is deceased and the mother resides in Oakland. Mrs. Castello is the second oldest of nine children. Mr. and Mrs. Castello have two children: Angie, who on December 25, 1920, married Antone Souza, of Santa Clara; and La Verne. Mr. Castello is a Republican in his political views and he keeps well informed on the questions and issues of the day. He is a member of the California Prune and Apricot Growers, Inc., and of the Associated Milk Producers of San Francisco, and is also identified with the U. P. E. C. and the S. E. S., while his wife is a member of S. P. R, S. I. and the Druids in San Jose. His genuine personal worth and his activity in a useful occupation have combined to make him one of Santa Clara County's valued citizens.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1437


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight