The Valley of Heart's Delight

(see photo of Alviso Hotel)

BIO Pen-Pictues,page 256


JOHN W. BARNEY was born in Coles County, Illinois, June 19,1849. His parents, David and Catharine (Davis) Barney, came across the plains to California in 1850, and established themselves in the hotel business in the mining districts, at which they continued until 1853, in which year they came to Santa Clara County.

 Mr. Barney was reared and educated in this county, attending the public schools until 1862. In that year he left school and went to work at farm labor. Although but a lad, he was strong and willing to work, and was able to do the work of a man in the harvest-field. At the age of nineteen years he went into partnership with John Reed in harvesting grain. After one season of this he sold out his interest in the machinery, etc., and engaged himself in teaming and hauling grain to Alviso. In 1869 he entered into partnership with James A. Hutchinson, and rented two hundred acres of land near Salinas, Monterey County, and for the next three years was engaged in raising grain. He was also quite extensively engaged in teaming, which he continued until 1878. In this latter year he removed to Washington Territory, where he worked at farm labor for about a year.

In 1879 he returned to Santa Clara County, and in January of the next year married Mrs. Sarah J. (Layton) Ware, widow of David Ware, of Santa Clara County. In 1880 he located in Washington Territory, Lewis County, intending to make his home there. While there he met with an accident which resulted in the loss of his right leg. This compelled an abandonment of all prospects of building up a home in the country, and he returned to Santa Clara County. His disability was such as to render him unable to follow laborious pursuits, and in 1882 he located in Alviso, where he opened a saloon in the Alviso Hotel, a calling he has since pursued. Mr. Barney has, through his misfortune, been compelled to take up a calling that is not congenial to his tastes, but he is conducting it in a straightforward and respectable manner. From the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Barney, three children have been born, viz.: Charles A., Frank, and Morgan Daniel. From Mrs. Barney's previous marriage there is one child living, Albert D. Ware.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - 
Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 256 Transcribed by Carol Lackey




Aug 4, 2005