Grain Dealer, Mountain View

Bio-Pen Pictures

John A. Hornberger, grain dealer, No. 20 West Santa Clara Street, San Jose, has been identified with the material and business interests of the Santa Clara Valley for the past twenty years. He was born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, in 1838, but was brought up in Lancaster County in that State, his parents removing there when he was six years of age. He attended school at that place for some years, and later assisted his father in the iron-forging business, rolling mills not then being in existence. This he continued up to the age of twenty-two years. In 1860 he left home and came to California, settling immediately in the Santa Clara Valley, where he engaged in farming, which occupation he has followed almost continuously since that time up to the last two years. During that time he passed one year, parts of 1863 and 1864, in mining pursuits in the mines of Silver Mountain, town of Monitor, California. Not meeting with success in that venture, he returned to Santa Clara County, purchasing a home at Mountain View, and renting land. He engaged extensively in farming in that neighborhood. In 1870 he added the occupation of grain-buying, continuing in both lines of business until within the last two years, when he gave up farming and has since devoted himself exclusively to his grain-purchasing interests.

In 1869 Mr. Hornberger was married to Miss Kate Miligan, a native of Ireland, whose parents removed to the United States, settling in New York, when she was but an infant. To this marriage there have been born three children, two of whom died in infancy. One, a son, John A., Jr., is about to terminate his school days and enter the grain business with his father, taking charge of the grain warehouse at Mountain View, California. The primary education of this son was received at the public schools of Mountain View, after which he passed on year at the Oakland Military Academy, and two years at the University of the Pacific. Mr. Hornberger, while devoting his energies actively to his business operations, and not taking an active part in political matters, has yet found time to devote to the educational interests of his district. He has represented the Mountain View District as School Director for the past eleven years, and while much of his time is now spent in San Jose he yet finds opportunity to fulfill the duties of that office, which his friends still insist must rest upon him. A man of magnificent physique, of massive brain and generous impulse, John A. Hornberger has achieved a satisfactory success from his efforts in life, his German ancestry and American instincts being prominent factors of that end. his parents were John and Mary A. (Boughter) Hornberger, natives of Pennsylvania, of German descent. The life of his father was mostly passed in developing the iron interests of his native State, where he died in 1867, being buried in Johnstone, Pennsylvania. Mr. Hornberger's mother still lives in Marietta, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.Transcribed by Carol Lackey- page 233-234