Chargin's Grill

A patriotic American whose associations from birth, leading him to look back with fondness toward the Old World and forward with eagerness and faith toward the land of his adoption, have made him much interested in the welfare of foreigners, is Joseph A. Chargin, of San Jose, who was born in Mirca Brac, Dalmatia, JugoSlavia, on April 10, 1865, the son of Anthony and Frances (Lebedina) Chargin, vineyardists in Dalmatia. He was educated in part in his native country, and continued his studies in America, at night schools and through private teachers. In 1881, he first came to California, and for a while he was active in Amador County. Then he removed to San Jose, but not until he had tried restaurant management in San Francisco, and somewhat similar work in Hollister. For a quarter of a century he has been in San Jose. and he is probably the oldest merchant in his line here, and Chargin's Grill, through his enterprise and affability became one of the most popular restaurants iu the city. However, catering was not the limit of his capabilities, for Mr. Chargin had become interested in horticulture and owned several ranches, tvhich began to take so much of his time that in 1920 he turned the management of Chargin's Grill over to his brother Jeremiah, so as to give all of his time to the management and development of his orchards in which he is ably assisted by his sons. Associated with his sons he owns thirty acres in Evergreen district devoted to raising prunes and apricots and with his son-in-law, another ranch of twenty-four acres in the Quito district, where he grows prunes, and with his brother Jeremiah, he owns still another eleven acres a short distance south of Morgan Hill, devoted to walnuts and prunes. Mr. Chargin is a member of the California Prune and Apricot Growers Association in which he has taken an active and prominent part, not alone for himself, but particularly on account of the solicitation of his Jugo-Slav friends, who insist on his acting as trustee to look after their interests. This trusteeship is for seven years. Mr. Char-gin is also a member of the California Walnut Growers Association as well as the Cherry Growers Association of California. He was one of the organizers and has been a director of the Growers Bank of San Jose since its incorporation, and is also interested in other financial and manufacturing establishments.

In 1890 Mr. Chargin was married at Plymouth, Cal., to Miss Josephine Smith of Amador County. A daughter, Frances, is a graduate of both the San Jose Normal and Notre Dame College and is now the wife of Dr. W. H. Lawrence of San Jose; Victor A.. a graduate of Santa Clara University is an attorneyat-law practicing in this city; Joseph A., Jr., is also a graduate of Santa Clara University as a civil engineer. He was with the county surveyor and during the World War was commissioned a first lieutenant in the U. S. Army and served overseas for two years. He is now engaged in ranching; Lawrence J., a graduate of Santa Clara University, is now engaged as a horticulturist here; the younger members of the family are Madeline J., Gerald J., Maryon and John M., Maryon passing away at the age of eight years. Mr. Chargin resides with his family at his comfortable residence, 167 Vine Street, and they attend St. Joseph's Catholic Church. He belongs to several fraternal orders and civic organizations and was for several years president of the SlavonianAmerican Benevolent Society. He is a Democrat in national politics.
Sawyer, Eugene T, History of Santa Clara County, California : Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922, 1776 pgs. 
page 1595


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight