Bio-Pen Pictures

I.D. Howe, whose home and fruit orchard of ten acres are situated on Willow Street, near the Meridian road, has been a resident of Santa Clara County since 1880, in which year he came to California.  His ranch, which is planted with 350 prunes, 150 cherries, 100 apricots, 60 pears, 50 peaches, 2,500 Muscat vines, and a small variety of fruits for family use, he purchased in that year, already planted in fruit, for $350 per acre.  Mr. Howe places most value in his grapes and cherries.  He shipped in 1887 five tons of grapes, and the year before he had fourteen tons.  He has shipped his grapes to Chicago, St. Paul, and other points.

Born on his father’s farm in Schoharie County, New York, on August 31, 1849, he remained there until he was eight years of age.  In 1857 his parents removed with the family to La Crosse County, Wisconsin, where they purchased a farm on which they resided until the death of Mr. Howe’s father, in 1865.  They subject of this sketch remained on this farm until the age of twenty-two years, his time being divided between attending school and his farm duties.  He then rented the farm and engaged in various occupations, mostly in the printing business, for a number of years.  Finding the climate of Wisconsin trying to his health, he sold out the farm and with his family and mother and sister started for California, purchasing and settling almost immediately in his present home.  His mother and sister have a residence near his on the same ranch.  His parents were Benjamin S. and Olive (Ruland) Howe, natives of New York State.  Mr. Howe was married in 1874, to Miss Milla Eldred, who was born  in Wisconsin in 1857, her father, a native of New York State, coming to Wisconsin when it was practically a wilderness.  He was the first Sheriff of La Crosse County.   To this marriage have been born six children, of whom two died in 1882:  Lillian A., born July 31, 1875, in Wisconsin; Millie Louise, born April 18, 1877, in Wisconsin, died in San Jose, April 22, 1882; Maud Milton, born May 6, 1879, in Wisconsin; Rolo D., born December 29, 1882, died April 26, 1883, in San Jose; Mark L., born July 31, 1884; Olive, born January 17, 1886.  Mr. Howe is a member of Mount Hamilton Lodge, No. 43, A. O. U. W.  He generally supports the Democratic party, but believe in tariff protection. 

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 386-387
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight