The Valley of Heart's Delight


bio- Sawyers
Surnames: SAXE, MAYER

DR. J. IRVING BEATTIE.--Prominent and successful from the very beginning of his practice as a physician and surgeon, Dr. J. Irving Beattie has become pre-eminent among the leading medical men of Santa Clara County and is today rightly regarded as one of the first citizens of Santa Clara, in which city he has his residence and office at 1075 Benton Street. He was born in the province of Ontario, Canada, on June 1, 1883, and came to California as a young man of seventeen.

 When properly prepared for special work, he entered the Cooper Medical College at San Francisco, from which he was graduated with honors in 1905; and then he traveled in Europe and for a year worked in the London Hospital. On his return to America, he spent a year at the French Hospital at San Francisco.

In 1907 he located at Santa Clara, and on the first of the year opened an office as the third doctor at the corner of Main and Benton Streets, which for decades has been the Mecca for thousands of sufferers, succeeding to the office of his uncle, Dr. D. A. Beattie, now located in San Jose, who in turn succeeded Dr. Saxe, an early and noted practitioner at Santa Clara. Dr. Beattie's success may be in part estimated from the constant attendance of patients during the afternoon hours when he is available for office consultation. The mornings are devoted to surgical operations at the hospital, and to visiting those in distress at their own homes.

On January 12, 1907, Dr. Beattie was married to Miss Hilda Mayer, a native of San Francisco and the daughter of Charles Mayer, Jr., of the Bay metropolis. She is a graduate of the University of California, having finished her studies with the class of 1906; and she has been of inestimable service to her husband in his constantly increasing practice. Two children have blessed this union, Hermione and Yvonne. As public-spirited as he is genial, Dr. Beattie joined the ranks of the Americans in the World War and in 1918 went to Fort Riley, where he served as lieutenant until three months after the signing of the armistice.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 495