The Valley of Heart's Delight

St. Charles Hotel Proprietor
39 North Market St. San Jose
Surnames: BAUMANN

   Identified with Santa Clara County as proprietor of an up-to-date hostelry, Igino Allegrini has been the owner of the St. Charles Hotel and grill for the last sixteen years, located at 39 North Market Street, San Jose. Mr. Allegrini is a native of Italy, having been born in the province of Lucca on January 11, 1868.

   He was educated in the elementary schools and then the Latin school, and then began study for the priesthood, continuing for more than two years when his eyes failed him and he quit studying for two years. He then attended the normal school at Pisa, but before he had completed the course was again obliged to quit on account of his failing eyesight. Then he was in the Seventh Artillery of the Italian army serving thirty-four months when he received an honorable discharge. He then decided to see some of the world, so in the year of 1892, he made the voyage to America. Landing in New York City he came on to San Francisco and obtained work of various kinds, and in October of 1892 he came to San Jose. He then spent two years as a rancher in Sacramento, but the floods came and swept everything in their wake, ruining him financially, so that he became discouraged in that line of work; in the year of 1895 he again came to San Jose and at first engaged in the vegetable business where he was engaged for eleven years. During this time in 1905 he purchased the St. Charles Hotel and for sixteen years has been proprietor of this modern, and up-to-date hostelry, giving personal attention to the comfort of his guests and with his pleasing personality, he has made many good friends here and is a leader among his countrymen.

   Mr. Allegrini's marriage October 21, 1899 united him with Miss Catherine Baumann and the ceremony was solemnized in San Jose, Cal. Mrs. Allegrini was born in San Francisco and was reared in San Jose from nine years of age and here she attended Notre Dame convent. Mr. and Mrs. Allegrini became the parents of two children: Emma R., a graduate of the San Jose high school and now employed in the county surveyor's office in the court house at San Jose; and Elio. Mr. Allegrini stands high in the Masonic lodge, which order he first joined in Italy, and now belongs to Harmony Lodge No. 26, San Jose. He is also a member of the Druids in which he has passed the chairs and has been delegate to the Grand Grove for fifteen different times. Is a member of the Franco-Italian lodge of I. O. O. F.; also a member of the I. O. R. M., the Ridgley Protective Association and Italian Benevolent Society, of which he is past president. He takes a live interest in the affairs of  San Jose and is always for projects and movements that make for the betterment of the community and the welfare of the commonwealth.

Transcribed byJoseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County, California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1296

Santa Clara County Family Chronicles

Santa Clara County History- The Valley of Heart's Delight

July 22, 2005