Born on Regnart Avenue, near Cupertino, 1877


A native son of Santa Clara County, Herbert William Reg­nart was born on Regnart' Avenue, near Cupertino, January 26, 1877, a son of William and Agnes (Gre­gory) Regnart, natives of England, who located in California over fifty years ago, along with his brother. After following mining for a short time they located in Santa Clara County, where Mr. Reg­nart became a successful orchardist. He first set out an orchard on Regnart Avenue, which was named for the family, and also with the aid of his son Herbert cleared and improved an eighty acre orchard in Regnart Gulch, 2 1/2 miles from Cupertino. His wife died in 1881, and he was married a second time to Margaret Watts, who was born in Scotland.

By his first marriage he had two children: Jessie, the wife of Robert Regnart, and Herbert W.; and by his second three children: Virginia, the wife of John Montgomery; Douglas, and Marjorie, all of Cupertino. William Regnart passed away in 1917, a truly worthy upbuilder who had done his share in contributing to the prosperity of the country.

Herbert William Regnart grew up in the environ­ment of his birth place, obtaining a good education in the Lincoln public school. From a lad he was kept busy assisting his father, and from the time he was twelve years old he made a hand in clearing and breaking the land, getting it ready for the crops as well as helping in setting out the vineyard and orchards. The former died from the prevailing grape disease and the forty acres was set out to orchard. He owns forty acres of the eighty acres he helped to improve and has also purchased their original twenty acre orchard place which his father at one time disposed of. The two orchards are devoted principally to prunes, to the cultivation of which he is bringing into use the most scientific methods of care and the latest modern machinery for the cultiva­tion of the soil. Mr. Regnart's success has not been accomplished without expending much energy and thought in his chosen line of work for he has applied himself closely to his task and by incessant labor and forceful application has accomplished his ambition. He has had his ups and downs having sold prunes as low as $25.00 a ton, but also as high as $250.00 a ton. He is an enthusiastic member of the California Prune and Apricot Growers' Association, and also of the Fruit Growers of California, Inc.

The marriage of Mr. Regnart was celebrated in San Jose, March 7, 1908, when he was united with Anna Mary Gagliasso, who was born in the Monte­bello district, Santa Clara County, a daughter of Charles and Margherita (Lora) Gagliasso, natives of Piedmonte, Italy, who were early settlers of Santa Clara County, where Mr. Gagliasso was fore­man for Dr. Peroni in the improvement and settingout of the Peroni vineyards, after which he pur­chased 160 acres and improved vineyards and or­chards on Table, Mountain, and later bought and im­proved the Trout Farm. He died in 1911, survived by his widow and eight children of whom Anna is the second oldest. Mr. and Mrs. Regnart have five children: Margaret, Hazel, Eva, Alice, and Herbert William, Jr. Mr. Regnart gives no small degree of credit to his accomplished wife who has assisted and encouraged him in every way to accomplish his ambi­tion. He is a member of the Woodman of the World and politically is a Republican. Enterprising, liberal and progressive, Mr. and Mrs. Regnart are well and favorably known and much esteemed in their community.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1096


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight