Bio-Pen Pictures

resides on the Berryessa and  Milpitas road (Capital Avenue), about four and one-half miles northeast of San Jose, and one and one-half miles south of Milpitas. He is the owner of sixty-four acres of land. His original tract was eighty-four acres in extent. Three acres of his land is devoted to orchard, producing nearly all varieties of fruit grown in his section. He has also two and one-half acres of grapevines, bearing Mission, Charbano, and Muscat varieties. The remainder of his land is devoted to hay, grain, and stock-raising. The subject of this sketch was born near Baden-Baden, Germany, February 1, 1833. His parents, Louis and Catharine (Modcom) Walters, were natives of the place of his birth. His father was a miller, and to this calling Mr. Walters was reared, receiving at the same time such schooling as the common schools afforded. In 1857 he accompanied his father's family to the United States, landing in New York. In 1858 his father and youngest sister came to California. Mr. Walters remained in New York, where he was engaged in the grocery business and wholesale milk trade.

        January 1,1860, he married Miss Amelia Langensee, daughter of Louis and Barbara (Roesler) Langensee, natives of Wurtemburg, Germany. On the fifth of the same month Mr. Walters and his bride sailed, by the Panama route, for California. Upon his arrival in San Francisco, he worked in that city for two years, one year at his trade as a miller and another year in a vinegar factory. In 1862 he came to Santa Clara County and purchased nine acres of land, near Berryessa, which he planted with fruit trees and vines. Mr. Walters lived upon this place until 1869, and in October of that year he sold his orchard and purchased fifty acres of the land he now occupies. He afterward bought thirty-four acres adjoining his fifty-acre tract. Mr. Walters has been successful and has created a productive farm. He is an industrious and energetic man, and is deserving of such success as he has attained. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. In politics he is a Republican, but is very conservative and liberal in his views.

        Mr. and Mrs. Walters have four children living, viz.: George Louis, Sophia, Amelia, and Charles H. Sophia married John Versor, and Amelia married George Yoell. They all reside in San Jose, except Charles H., who resides with his parents.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 663