Los Gatos

Among the old and highly respected residents of Los Gatos is numbered Harry Ulysses Ball, the pioneer blacksmith of the town, who has made his home in Los Gatos for a period of forty-six years. A native of Portsmouth, Ohio, he was born April 10, 1844, a son of Orlando Ball, whose demise occurred in the Buckeye state. His education was acquired in the public schools of Ohio, and on starting out in the business world he served an apprenticeship to the blacksmith's trade in Portsmouth, which he followed in that state for four years. In 1863 he started for the West, drove a mule team across the plains and first located in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he remained for one and a half years in the employ of Ben Holliday on his various stage lines in Utah. Ten years were spent in Idaho as a horseshoer, and he then came to California, arriving in Los Gatos in 1876. For six years he was employed by Mr. Seanor, whose blacksmith shop he purchased at the end of that time, at first having a partner in the enterprise, but is now conducting the business independently, being the pioneer in this line of activity in Los Gatos. He now owns his shop and building on Main Street. He is an expert farrier and blacksmith and the superior quality of his work, combined with his well known reliability in all business transactions, has won for him a large share of public patronage.

Mr. Ball was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Jenkins, a native of Canada, who passed away in 1911. In his political views he is a progressive Republican, supporting the platform of that party where national issues are at stake, but at local elections he votes for the candidate whom he regards as best fitted for office. He has never dissipated his energies over a broad field but has continued in the line of work in which he first engaged, and his present success is largely attributable to this fact. In business circles of Los Gatos his standing is of the highest and as a citizen he is loyal, progressive and public-spirited, his upright life having won for him the unqualified esteem of a large circle of friends.
Sawyer, Eugene T, History of Santa Clara County, California : Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922, 1776 pgs.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight