Los Gatos

One of the oldest settlers of Los Gatos who has had much to do with the growth and development of the city, as well as shaping the destinies of its civic and municipal government is Herman Sund, who is highly respected and greatly loved and esteemed by everyone in this beautiful city. He is a native of Sweden, born at Venesburg, in December, 1844, a son of Herman and Margaret Sund. He was reared in his native place, had the advantages of the excellent schools for which Sweden -is famous, and when fifteen years of age he left home and apprenticed to the carpenter trade. When twenty-three years of age he shipped aboard a vessel as a carpenter and sailed to different countries including Europe, West Indies, North and South America. In 1865, having quit the sea, he came to the United States and followed his trade in different Southern states and in Kansas until 1873, when he came to California. Locating in Oakland he worked at his trade in San Francisco. As foreman of carpenters he assisted in building the First and Second street cable roads in that city, on Clay and Geary streets.

In 1881, Mr. Sund located in Los Gatos and bought a ranch in the city, adding to it until he had forty-one acres. He engaged in contracting and building, and also established a- lumber yard in 1884, which he ran for many years in connection with his building business, and being very active and energetic he built up a great portion of the city. He also improved his ranch with orchards, and since the city has grown he has laid out a portion of his land which he has sold to builders of homes. When Los Gatos was incorporated in 1887 he was elected a member of the board of trustees and reelected to the office. He took an active and prominent part in shaping the destiny of this beautiful foothill city, being now the only one living of the original charter board he is not only referred to as the father of the town but as the grandfather of the town.

Mr. Sund's first marriage was in Kansas, when he was united with Josephine Peterson, who died leaving three children. After coming to Los Gatos he was married to Miss Louise Schrepper, born in Glarus, Switzerland, a well-educated and cultured lady who came to San Francisco when twenty-two years of age and to Los Gatos in 1883, so she has also seen the growth of this pleasant Mr. Sund is a splendid specimen of the upbuilders and supporters of worthy measures, and a believer in protection for Americans, he is a stanch Republican.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1090



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight