Prominent among the highly-trained captains of industry who have contributed much toward bringing California into such a front line among her sister commonwealths that she is now everywhere recognized as the Golden State, is undoubtedly H. S. Rexworthy, the capable general superintendent of the Joshua Hendy Iron Works at Sunnyvale, who has had an exceptionally varied and rich experience in the building of immense engines, heavy mining machinery and massive gates such as are used in the large irrigation projects of the Turlock Irrigation Company and extensive hydro-electric undertakings in California and the Pacific West. He was born in Gloucestershire, England, on December 2, 1873, the only son of Cornish parents and a descendant, on his mother's side of John Sibree, a near relative to the noted African explorer of the same name.

The mother is still living, in England, at the age of seventy-eight; and there are three sisters. Mr. Rexworthy was educated at the famous Bristol Grammar School with its delightful hillside environments at Bristol; later he went to London and there studied the general sciences, and when he left the halls and lawns of those favored institutions to which so many of England's great men had gone as students, he was eighteen years of age and ready for a tussle with the world. He took up mechanical work under the widely-known John McIntire, the celebrated naval architect of Glasgow, and after two years' preceptorship, he was made his assistant. He went as a pupil to the East Ferry Company at Millwa, near London and worked there for a number of years, and then he became assistant manager.

During that time Mr. Rexworthy was married to Miss Irene Roberts, a daughter of Edward Roberts, I. S. 0. and F. R. A. S., an extremely clever mathematician who has, for many years, been retained as the chief assistant in the British Government's Nautical Almanac's office, where he is known as one of the world's greatest authorities on tides. Mr. Rexworthy then traveled as engineer for the Murex Company, and after that he took up mining, and he made the first installation in the process for handling carbonate ores, silver, lead and gold. Next he made his way to Northern Siberia and became an expert for the Bogolosky Company, probably the largest gold and silver-mining company in the world, owning and controlling some 4,000 square miles of auriferous territory and employing 400,000 men. About this time the great World War broke forth, and Mr. Rex worthy was recalled to his native land for war purposes, and after that he was assigned to the task of perfecting the process of tungsten alloy. After ten months in England, he was sent to California to superintend a process for the recovery of base metals and later he became superintendent of the Lane Mines, for the Darwin Corporation at Darwin, Inyo County.

He had first set foot on American soil at New York in November, 1914, and from there he proceeded to the Pacific Coast and Mountain states, and he was at San Francisco when he was called to England to process tungsten steel. Eventually, he came from Inyo County to Sunnyvale, where he was appointed chief engineer. He has always been and still is a hard worker, putting in from ten to twelve hours a day. He has displayed exceptional natural and developed ability, and has risen to eminence in the world of mechanism. He is a member of the Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce, and it goes without saying that he worthily represents the great iron works elsewhere described.

Mr. and Mrs. Rexworthy have one child, a son, Edward. They have built a fine residence on Sunnyvale Avenue, in Sunnyvale, and as members of the Episcopal Church they enter heartily into the religious, civic and social life of their adopted town. Mr. Rexworthy is a member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers of England, and his fame as a leader of scientific attainment in the industrial field has gone abroad through two continents.


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight