Bio-Pen Pictures

residing on the Almaden road, near the city limits of San Jose, is the owner of a very fine orchard of about eight acres. The substantial buildings on the place were erected by Mr. Sears, with regard only to comfort and convenience, and well show the taste of the owner. Purchasing the property in February, 1884, out of a wheat-field, he commenced the work of improvement at once. The rapid development of the orchard, to those unacquainted with the possibilities of this wonderful climate and soil, when supplemented by skill and the unstinted use of money, is almost marvelous. In the orchard can be found almost every variety of deciduous fruit adapted to the soil,—cherries, French and Silver prunes, almonds, English walnuts, grapes, and many kinds of plums and peaches. The last-named fruit ripens from the first of June until the middle of October. Eight peach trees, planted the first year for home use, have long been producing more fruit than the family could use or give away to friends. In 1887 from these trees, including two planted later, a surplus of 1,800 pounds of fruit was sold. This fact is mentioned merely to illustrate how little Mr. Sears understood the capacity of the soil for producing fruit, and to give the general reader an idea of the same. This model little orchard is penetrated by two fine avenues leading to the residence, one from the Almaden road on the west, and the other from Orchard Street on the north. The residence, with all its surroundings, makes a most pleasant and comfortable home.

        Mr. Sears is a Massachusetts man by birth, which he dates in old Berkshire County. His business life has been spent chiefly in Illinois. At Rockford he built up an extensive business in cutlery and fire­arms. He is the head of the firm of H. Sears & Co., on Wabash Avenue, Chicago, a wholesale house with a trade of $300,000 per annum, in the same general line of business.

        In 1883 Mr. Sears, finding that failing health would not permit him to live in Chicago, and having traveled extensively in California, Florida, and other sections in search of a congenial climate, concluded to settle in the beautiful, sunny Santa Clara Valley. Much of his old-time vigor has returned, and he can hardly find words to express his enthusiastic praise of the climate, resources, and possibilities of his new home.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 563