
No profession is more useful or important thatn that of relieving the suffereings of mankind, and William F. Hoque has, through his cancer remedies, been able to assuage the suffering of many since he has taken up the work left by his father, the late Francis Marion and Melissee (Good) Hoque; the former wa born in Clay County, Mo, in 1844, the son of James M. Hoque, a pioneer of Clay County who had migrated from South Carolina in the early '30s. James M. was a man of many resources, investing in government lands upon which he conducted a large sugar plantation; his individual brand of maple sugar, marketed under his own label, being the most noteworthy. He died in 1884, aged eighty-six.

Severe reverses were suffered during the Civil War and the Hogue family moved to Kansas City, where F. M. Hoque established a general merchandise business and carried it on until 1875, when he sold out and migrated to California,locating in Santa Clara County near San Jose. Melissee Good Hoque was born and reared in Ray County, Mo., where her parents were highly esteemed. Two of her brothers survived service during the Civil War.

The early records of the Hogue family show French and German ancestry, and the cancer remedy dates back to the old country and the formula has been handed down from generation to generation for over one hundred years, and thousands of cures have been effected by its application. F. M. Hoque established and maintained his manufactory and business headquarters in Los Angeles, but always made San Jose his home. His successful practice covered a period of thirty-five years and many thousands are grateful to him for relief from their intense sufferings. He was a man of keen intellect and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He died on February 2, 1921. He was an active member of the Masons for over fifty years and held the first manual of the San Jose Chapter; and he was also a member of the Odd Fellows. Mrs. Hoque passed away some time prior to the death of her husband; and they were survived by four sons and one daughter: William F.; A. Luster, deceased, is survived by his widow and two sons and a daughter who reside in San Jose. He was a department manager for 0. A. Hale & Company up to the time of his death in 1919; James E. resides with his wife and two sons on a ranch at Ceres, Stanislaus County; Annie May is the wife of P. H. Hilderbrand and they reside in San Luis Obispo with their two sons and one daughter; and LeRoy is married and has two boys.

For several years William F. Hoque was the manager for the Hogue Cancer Remedies, which have become widely known all over California. He is a keen business man with progressive ideas and very wisely invested his profits in lands in Santa Clara, Madera, and Stanislaus Counties. These properties he has partially improved and sold at comfortable advances. One of his latest investments was in apartment house property in San Jose. when he became interested in the purchase of the Don Felipe Apartment house building. Mr. Hoque is a liberal patron of all progressive local enterprises, is broadminded and well-informed, a typical representative of the wideawake, large hearted pioneer.

The marriage of W. F. Hoque united him with Miss Bertha Merriweather, born in San Benito County in 1877, a daughter of David and Amanda Merriweather, both born in New York State, and who crossed the plains in the early 50's and settled at Mission San Jose. There the father engaged extensively in the sheep business. Mr. and Mrs. Hoque have four children: William D. and Elmer A. are ranching; and Herbert and Florence are attending school. The two eldest sons enlisted for service in the U. S. Navy for service during the World War, from Stanislaus County and after their discharges returned to that county and are ranching near Modesto. In his national political convictions W. F. Hogue is a Democrat, but locally he is broadminded and supports the men and measures he considers best suited for the interests of the county and the people. He is always ready and willing to do his part to promote the greatest good to the greatest number and stands high in the community.

Transcribed cferoben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 736