Associated Oil Company of San Jose

A native son of California, Harold L. Fate is now identified with the Associated Oil Company of San Jose and is an alert young business man who is making the most of his time, talents and opportunities. He was born in Santa Cruz, Cal., February 28, 1896, a son of Lewis and Mary Fate. His father was a native of Ohio and as a child was taken by his parents to Danville, Ill., where his youthful days were spent. In 1890 he made his way to the Pacific Coast, first establishing his home in San Francisco, and later removing to Santa Cruz, where he entered the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company.

 In 1899 he came to San Jose as an employe of that road and resided here until 1903, when he went to Salinas. where he remained until 1907, during which period he continued with the railroad. In the latter year he returned to San Jose where he has since lived.

In the public schools of San Jose and Salinas, Harold L. Fate acquired his education and on starting out in the business world he obtained employment with the firm of Popp & Hogan, job printers. for whom he worked as pressman for fifteen months. He then secured a position with the S. H. Chase Lumber Company of San Jose, with whom he remained for a little over two years, and then was wood turner for the Hubbard & Carmichael Company of this city for seven years. He next became connected with the Associated Oil Company, but at the end of twelve months left that firm and returned to the Chase Lumber Company, with whom he continued for a year and a half. Leaving San Jose, he went to Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, and there was occupied in planing mill work for about eight months. Upon returning to California he resumed his former connection with the Associated Oil Company and has since continued in their service, proving a faithful and efficient employe.

Mr. Fate is independent in his political views, casting his ballot in favor of the candidate whom he deems best fitted for office, regardless of party ties. He is a member of the Pastime Social Club, of which he has been treasurer and a trustee and is now president. He is also connected wth the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Eagles and the Good Fellows Lodge of San Jose, being a past exalted director of the last named organization.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight