
A nurseryman and orchardist who uses modern methods and scientific care in the development of his holdings, is Harry Johnson, whose ranch lies on the Almaden Road, five and one-half miles south of San Jose. He is a native son of Santa Clara County and was born two miles south of San Jose on the Northern Road April 1, 1882, his parents being Andrew and Hattie (Farley) Johnson, born in Skane, Sweden, and Quebec, Canada, respectively. The father was a sailor who came around Cape Horn to San Francisco when he was eighteen years old. He quit the sea and was one of the early farmers here, coming here in the '70s, and here he married Miss Farley, who had come here with her parents. Andrew Johnson passed away when Harry was only four years old. Mrs. Johnson continued horticulture, making her home on the ranch until her death in 1908. They had three children, two of whom are living, Harry being the oldest; he obtained his education in the public schools, with the addition of a course at the San Jose Business College, where he was graduated in 1898, and then went to work on ranches in this vicinity. He saved his money and when he was only seventeen years old he was able to make a payment of $300 on his first piece of property, which he afterwards sold at a profit. In 1905 he began raising nursery stock, as well as fruit growing and in 1917 he purchased his present place, adding to it until he had ninety acres devoted to nursery and orchard, but he has since disposed of some of his holdings and now has a fine tract of forty-five acres, half of which is devoted to his orchard and nursery. He makes a specialty of growing trees that are particularly adapted to this locality and he finds a ready market for his stock. He also grows about forty acres of garden truck a year.

On March 4, 1904, Mr. Johnson was married to Miss Gertrude Greenwalt, born in this vicinity, a member of a well-known old-time family here. Her father, George Greenwalt, was also born here and her grandfather was a pioneer settler. Mr. Johnson is a Republican and as one of the community's public-spirited citizens he can always be counted upon to aid in any progressive movement. At present he is serving as school trustee of Pioneer school district.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1160


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight