Bio- Sawyers

Among the sons of early settlers of Santa Clara County, Cal., who are worthy representatives of their pioneer fathers is H. G. Hunt, proprietor of a business which is located at 577 to 585 South First Street, San Jose, where he handles bicycles, motorcycles, and auto tires. He was born in San Jose, August 10, 1889, the son of Edward Vincent and Edith (Bent) Hunt. His parents came to California in the year of 1886 and settled in San Jose, where they continued to make their home, the father, becoming the proprietor of a grocery store soon after locating here.

H. G. Hunt received his education in the public schools and high school of San Jose, from which he graduated, then helping his father in the store, he learned the grocery business. Mr. Hunt then started out for himself, becoming the owner of a bicycle, motorcycle and auto tire shop and here he prospered. At the time of his father's death, he continued to conduct his father's store and at the same time carried on the business in his own shop, but finding the two concerns were a little too much for one man to have to manage, he sold the grocery store in 1912 and confined his time and attention, to his own work. He handles the Dexter, Redding, Winchester and Triumph bicycles and the Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland motorcycles, and employs two mechanics.

Mr. Hunt's marriage united him with Miss Effie Iverson, born in Salinas, and they are the parents of one child, Gordon. Mr. Hunt is a member of San Jose Lodge No. 10, F. & A. M., San Jose Lodge 522 B. P. 0. Elks, as well as the Lions Club and Sciots, and also of the Merchants' Assn. and the Chamber of Commerce and is president of the Bicycle and Motorcycle Assn. of Santa Clara County. In national politics he is a Republican. Like all of California's native sons, reared in the open life of the great West, he is fond of all outdoor sports, particularly of hunting and fishing and enjoys them on every possible occasion.
Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1245


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight