Bio-Pen Pictures

            Hersie F. Lord was born in Penobscot County, Maine, in 1852.  His father, Jacob H. Lord (whose sketch appears in this history), and mother, Caroline (Littlefield) Lord, were both natives of Maine.  Hersie F. Lord was reared on a farm in Wisconsin, to which place his father moved in 1854. When he was seventeen years of age he entered into mercantile pursuits at River Falls, Pierce County, Wisconsin, and in 1881, in partnership with his father, he opened a general merchandise store, which they successfully conducted until 1886, in which year he located at Minneapolis, Minnesota, remaining there but a year.  In 1887 he came to California and located in Santa Clara County, purchasing twenty acres of land from James H. Stonier on the Hostetter road, in the Eagle School District, about three and one-half miles northeast of San Jose.  Upon this land Mr. Lord has erected a handsome cottage residence, styled the “Minnesota Twins,” and well-ordered outbuildings; he has also planted twelve acres in orchard, the trees being peaches, prunes, and apricots, with also a few trees of other varieties.  The balance of his land is devoted to hay and grain; his hay in 1888 averaged four and one-half tons per acre, which was grown without irrigation!  Mr. Lord brings to his new calling as an orchardist, well-trained business habits and a love for the work, which will undoubtedly do much toward insuring his success.

            In 1873 Mr. Lord married Miss Augusta B. Crossman, daughter of Clark H. and Amelia C. Crossman, natives and residents of Niagara County, New York.  From this marriage two children have been born, viz.:  Adella H. and Cleon H.  Mr. Lord is a member of the I. O. O. F.  In politics he is a Democrat, but still exhibits an intelligent liberality in the exercise of his franchise.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 406-407
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight