—Few people, no doubt, have any adequate idea of the importance and magnitude of the Joshua Hendy Iron Works at Sunnyvale, a wonderful monument to its founder, the late Joshua Hendy of San Francisco, and also the late John Hendy, its former president and general superintendent, whose widow is one of the most highly-esteemed residents of Sunnyvale. The present company was incorporated in 1903; it started to build its great plant at Sunnyvale in 1906, and in February of the following year, it commenced to operate. Following the death of their uncle, the said Joshua Hendy, his two nephews, John and Samuel Hendy, operated the works. On the death of his brother, Samuel J. Hendy, John H. Hendy became president and, on May 8, 1920, he was stricken with apoplexy and passed away at the family home a few days later.

            The city organization is located in San Francisco, and that branch takes care of all sales, contracts, etc., the organization at Sunnyvale turning out the products desired. The officers are: president and general manager, F. J. Behneman of San Francisco; vice-president and assistant manager, Morris Levitt, also of San Francisco; secretary and treasurer, C. C. Gardner of Alameda, and the general superintendent, H. S. Rexworthy of Sunnyvale. During the World War, the Hendy Iron Works did its duty in contributing a huge share of what Uncle Sam needed for his success at arms, but it was able to accomplish this only by running shifts of men—500 during the day, and 400 during the night. It helped out the Government by putting out a vast deal of heavy work. Thus at this plant it built ten sets of triple-expansion marine engines weighing 124 tons each and having 2,800 horsepower each. It made one single casting which weighed fifteen and one-half tons. This was only a small part of the work done at Sunnyvale.
            The works occupy twenty-nine acres facing on Sunnyvale Avenue in Sunnyvale, and the main building was carefully designed with reference to the proper heating, ventilation, lighting and water supply. This building is one-eighth of a mile long, and it is supplied with three traveling cranes of fifteen, twenty and thirty tons capacity. The company owns forty acres of additional ground near to the plot upon which the works are located, and it has put in a 700-foot well in which the water rises 300 feet, and is then pumped by means of a large centrifugal pump, driven by electricity into a water tank or tower eighty feet high. This supplies water in sufficient quantities for the use of the works, and also for irrigating the lawns in front of the main building and adjacent lands; the lawns are well-kept and beautiful, and so are the spare lands on which are planted orchards and gardens. Tracks of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company enter the premises, where the company has installed a weigh-box with railway weighing scales which gives the weight of every car as it enters and leaves the works. Electrical power from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company furnishes the motive force, and gigantic transformers provide the quality of power needed for the various mechanical operations, while three great air-compressors provide compressed air for operating, riveting machinery, trip-hammers, clippers, etc. The eastern quarter of the main building is the assembling room; but at times the job is so big that the assembling has to be done outside, especially in the building of the massive head-gates for irrigation purposes. The main buildings contain hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars worth of up-to-date, heavy steel and iron-working machinery.  

            To the rear of the main building are the foundry, (the largest on the Pacific Coast), the carpenter shop and lumber yards, the pattern shop, the pattern store, the yard crane, the general store room, the car shop, which contains a number of forges, and blacksmith and plate shop, where is being manufactured at the present a large number of construction cars for use on the Dom Pedro Dam, at the head of the Modesto and Turlock irrigation projects, and hydroelectric works. Here is manufactured structural steel for mining companies. There is also the building containing the two great electrical transformers and the three great air compressors. The foundry is a marvel of efficiency and magnitude, and among its striking architectural features are the three gigantic cupolas, for melting the iron, and three vast pits where the moulds are made and metal is poured for massive castings. The main building contains the offices of the works, including the administration and engineering offices and the general superintendent's offices, and also the commodious and well-arranged draftsmen's rooms, and the storehouses; and among the massive, truly wonderful machines installed in the main building may be mentioned a great gear-cutter that can cut gears with exactness in solid steel up to twelve feet in diameter, and up to a seventeen-inch face. There is also a sixteen-foot vertical boring mill, and a Putnam lathe of eighty-eight-inch centers with a thirty-six-foot bed, which is capable of turning out fifteen-ton crank shafts and other big work; a horizontal boring mill forty tons in weight, designed and built and set up in these works. The plant as a whole is very well lighted and ventilated, with all sanitary conveniences and first aid for the injured. The expanse of windows may be judged somewhat form the fact that it costs about $500.00 for a single window cleaning.

            Among the products of these famous works are heavy mining machinery comprising stamp mills, rock or ore crushers, ball mills, and machinery of all description pertaining to mining, irrigation, hydroelectric works, etc., etc. Machinery manufactured at Sunnyvale have been set up in the most remote parts of the earth,—as when two Hendy mills were installed at Nome, Alaska, in 1912. There are two-stamp and three-stamp mills, and each is a model in design and workmanship. The iron works also manufacture ore and rock cars, for which they are famous, and these include Hendy's Ideal Car, steel double side dump "v"-shaped body cars, gable bottom cars, and cradle or U-shaped body side dump cars, and the Matteson side and end dump cars. Original and leaders in their own path-breaking movements, the Joshua Hendy Iron Works keep pointing the way for others to follow, and they leave no stone unturned to send out only perfectly-finished goods, howsoever bulky and common in general style they may happen to be. Both Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County, and San Francisco are to be congratulated on having such a product of the Twentieth Century as the Joshua Hendy Iron Works of Sunnyvale and the Bay City, the former boasting of the factory whose efficiency is largely due to the exceptional superintendence of the genial director, Mr. H. S. Rexworthy.

Transcribed by Susan  from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  818