

Coming to the Santa Clara Valley nearly forty years ago, Henry C. Stau is now one of the old residents of the San Martin district, where he owns a fine ranch of thirty acres on Center Avenue. He is a native of Denmark and was born on December 23, 1868, and reared by his uncle. Charles Kromlin, now of San Mateo County, and in 1881 accompanied this uncle to this country. In 1885 our subject entered the employ of Miller & Lux, the pioneer grain and stock raisers of Central California, and for several years was engaged on their ranches at Bloomfield and Soap Lake, and he also conducted a freighting train over Pacheco Pass to Los Banos and as far south in the San Joaquin Valley as the Button Willow ranch.

In the early '90s Mr. Stau entered the employ of William Hersman and for ten years was employed on his ranch on Foothill Road, San Martin. At the same time he acquired six acres of choice ranch land near by and began to put it under cultivation. From time to time he added to it and he now has a fine home place of thirty acres, a valuable piece of property which has been developed under his capable care and supervision. In addition to this Mr. Stau conducted the San Martin rural route from its establishment, being in the United States mail service for eleven and a half years, retiring in 1916.

At Gilroy, Cal., Mr. Stau was married to Miss Olive R. Mathus, the daughter of Mrs. A. L. Mathus, who now resides at Morgan Hill. Four children have been born to them: Lena H. married E. S. Mundy, they have one son and reside at San Jose; Clarence served during the World War in the U. S-Navy, being on board a submarine chaser on the Pacific Coast; Mildred is deceased; Elbert was in the Aviation Corps during the war, stationed at Ellington Field, Texas. He is married and resides at San Jose; all the children were born and reared at San Martin. Mr. Stau became a citizen of the United States in 1890, and he is a true patriot of his adopted country, politically giving his preference to the Republican party. He is a trustee of the Presbyterian Church at San Martin and for twelve years was treasurer, but resigned this office in 1917, and for six years was a trustee of this school district.
Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1188


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight