Bio-Pen Pictures

    Among the many fine ranches of Santa Clara County, mention must be made of that owned by the subject of this sketch. It is located on the San Francisco road, adjoining the western limits of Santa Clara, and consists of 160 acres of valuable and productive land. Fourteen acres are in vineyard in full bearing and in fine condition, producing many varieties of grapes, among which may be noted the Muscat, Black Hamburg, Rose of Peru, Mission, Charbano, Zinfandel, Tokay, and Verdal. Ten acres are devoted to fruit culture, producing pears, apples, peaches, apricots, and other varieties for family use only. But by far the larger part of the ranch is devoted to the growing of grain and hay, and to the raising of stock, among which are found thirty head of thoroughbred horses, the famous stallion "Wildidle" (conceded to be one of the best horses in the State and valued at $10,000) being at the head. The celebrated horses, "Jim Douglas," "Freda," "May D.," "Ella Doane," and several others, of which "Wildidle" is the sire, were bred and reared on this farm, and are justly noted as ranking among the finest stock produced in the State.

        Mr. Judson dates his birth in Onondaga County, New York, in 1845, and is the son of James and Ann (Easterbrook). James Judson was born in New York State, and Ann Easterbrook born in Devonshire, England. His father came to California in 1856, and settled in San Francisco, where, in company with his brother, he was extensively engaged in business pursuits, they being the promoters and incorporators of the Giant Powder Works, the Judson Manufacturing Company, the California Paper Company, the San Francisco Chemical Works, and many other similar enterprises.

        Mr. Judson's youth was spent in securing an education, he being a graduate of the excellent grammar and high schools of San Francisco, in which he took high rank. At the age of eighteen he commenced his business career in the San Francisco Chemical Works.

        He made rapid progress, and at the age of twenty-four years was promoted to the superintendency of the entire business, holding this position until sickness compelled his resignation, in 1879. During the two years following, his health was such that it was impossible for him to attend to business; but in 1881, having partially recovered, he took up his residence on the place which he now occupies, and which his father had purchased in 1879. Bringing into his new occupation intelligent and well-directed business qualities, combined with energetic action and a spirit of progress, he has placed himself among the leading farmers and stock-raisers of this county, while as the proprietor of the "Wildidle Farm" he is widely known.

        In 1877 Mr. Judson married Miss Ella A. Doane, daughter of Joshua G. Doane, of San Francisco. They have one child, Lottie D., aged at the present writing (1888), ten years.
Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 444-445


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight