Bio-Pen Pictures

            Capt. Henry C. Hogg was born in Letcher (at that time Perry) County, Kentucky, January 29, 1836.  His father, Hiram Hogg, was a native of Culpeper County, Virginia, and removed with his parents in 1802, when two years old, to Kentucky.  Hiram was married to Levina Polly, a native of Kentucky, and reared a family of eleven children, who grew to maturity, of whom five are now living.  Mrs. Hogg died in April, 1846.  Hiram afterward married Polly Roark, of Kentucky, and by her had seven children, of whom five are now living.  Hiram died in 1863, and his wife in 1884.  Henry C. Hogg is now the youngest son of the first family.  He made his home with his parents till he was nineteen years old.  He was educated principally in Lee County, Virginia. At the age of twenty-one he studied law, and at the age of twenty-two was admitted to the Bar in Irvine, Estill County, Kentucky, and practiced law there and in Perry County until September, 1861.  He then enlisted in Company D, Nineteenth Kentucky Infantry, as a private.  On February 5, 1863, he was commissioned First Lieutenant, and March 10 of the same year received his commission as Captain.  He was at Cumberland Gap in 1862, and in December went to Vicksburg with General Sherman, and remained there until after the surrender of the city.  From Vicksburg his regiment was sent to New Orleans, where he served under General Banks until he was mustered out, January 28, 1865.  He then located at Booneville, Kentucky, opened a law office, and also engaged in general merchandise.  He lived there till 1885, when he sold out and came to California.  He made a previous visit to this State in 1884, and bought a ranch near Saratoga on the road leading from Saratoga to Mountain View.  It contains nearly twenty-seven acres.  In 1887 he added to it nine acres more, making in all thirty-six acres.  His ranch has 450 French prunes, in their sixth year, and 1,480 in their fifth year, 250 apricots, 110 peaches, and 100 pears, all in their sixth year, and 40 cherries in their fourth year.

            Mr. Hogg was married April 16, 1867, to Martha A. Marion, a native of Owsley County, Kentucky, and daughter of Matthew and Rebecca (Kelley) Marion, who moved from Virginia to Kentucky in 1850.  Mr. Marion was a native of Tennessee and his wife of Virginia.  Mr. and Mrs. Hogg have four children, two sons and two daughters:  Charles Henry, born December 30, 1869; Cora, born November 15, 1873; Raymond, born July 22, 1877; Carrie, born April 17, 1880.
 Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 300-301
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight