Company D, Nineteenth Kentucky Infantry


Among the prominent citi­zens of Santa Clara, who was well known and loved by all, Henry C. Hogg still lives in the hearts and memories of his family and numerous friends. He was born in Letcher County, Ky., January 29, 1836. His father, Hiram Hogg, was a native of Culpepper County, Va., and removed with his parents in 1802, when two years old, to Kentucky; there he married Miss Levina Polly, a native of Kentucky, and reared a family of eleven children. Mrs. Hogg passed away in 1846. Hiram Hogg afterward married Miss Polly Roark, and they were the parents of seven children. He passed away in 1863 and his wife in 1884. Henry C. Hogg, the youngest living son of the first family, made his home with his parents until he was nineteen years of age. He was educated principally in Lee County, Va. At the age of twenty-one he studied law and was admitted to the bar and practiced law in Perry County until September, 1861. He volunteered his services in defense of the Union and enlisted in Company D, Nineteenth Kentucky Infantry, as a private. On February 5, 1863, he was commissioned first lieutenant and March 10, of the same year, re­ceived his commission as captain. He was at Cum­berland Gap in 1862, and in December went to Vicks­burg with General Sherman, and remained there until after the surrender of the city. From Vicksburg his regiment was sent to New Orleans, where he served under General Banks until he was mustered out, January 28, 1865. He then located at Booneville, Ky., opened a law office, and also engaged in general merchandise. Living there until 1885, when he sold out and came to California. He had made a previous visit to the state in 1884, and purchased a ranch near Saratoga on the road leading from Saratoga to Moun­tain View, consisting of some forty acres of highly improved orchard.

The marriage of Captain Hogg occurred in Boone­ville, Ky., April 16, 1867, and united him with Miss Martha A. Marion, a native of Booneville, Owsley County, Ky., a daughter of Matthew and Rebecca (Kelley) Marion. who moved from Virginia to Ken­tucky in 1850. Grandfather Marion was a cousin of General Marion of Revolutionary fame. Her father was a farmer at Booneville, Ky., and they came to California in 1888 and resided at their ranch near Saratoga. The father died twenty years ago after that the mother made her home with Mrs. Hogg, pass­ing away 1915, at eighty-six years of age. Captain and Mrs. Hogg were the parents of five children: Charles H., resides in San Francisco, and is an attorney; Cora E.. is now Mrs. Arthur L. Johnson, and resides in Providence, R. I.; Raymond C., is a rancher in Sara­toga; Carry V., is the wife of H. F. Stout of Saratoga; and Elton M., is in business in Honolulu. Captain Hogg was prominent as a Republican and fraternally was a member of the Masons and G. A. R. Finding no Methodist Church in the district in which he lo­cated, Mr. and Mrs. Hogg set about to establish one and were always prominent in the affairs of this or­ganization; both were trustees and Mrs. Hogg is still on the official board, an active member of the Eastern Star and the Woman's Relief Corps, and superintends the home place, taking an active part in the progres­sive movements of the community. Captain Hogg died February 5, 1912, a highly esteemed man, and was buried with Masonic honors.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1095


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight